Organic Aeroponic Reserva Privada OG Kush

dirk d

Active Member
Hello everyone,

lighting will be 600w digital for flower
8 bulb T-5 for veg

All Botanicare Line with great white

using stinks aeroponic system

starting from seed

dirk d

Active Member
alright this journal is officially started. scarified 2 seeds and put them into water to soak overnight.

dirk d

Active Member
lol. thats to confirm it actually is OG Kush. plus i was really excited. lol

also 1 of the 2 seeds has started its tap root very small but officially germinated


Well-Known Member
isnt it funny how even the simplest things make us happy? i love pics even if it is just a wrapper lol

dirk d

Active Member
germinated seed.jpgnursery.jpg so 1 seed is rooted nicely while no love on the other seed. huh?? anyways put that one in the nursery to grow her stem. heat mat is on and nursery has a 1 light t5.

dirk d

Active Member
put OG #1 into cloner, ripped apart rapid rooter root was looking very good. also OG #2 sprouted its root and put into germination station for stem development.


Active Member
Looks good man. Good luck on the grow. Also, could you throw up a link on here of stink's guide to building an aeroponic system. And possibly his guide to cloning. I can't find them, and besides I think everyone on this thread would benefit from reading those pieces if they haven't already

dirk d

Active Member
OG 1.jpgHEADBAND.jpg here's my OG Kush starting to open up helped her this morning removing her seed cover. Also here's a shot of the headband


Active Member
Dirk, looking good so far. I just started my Hindu Kush from seed 5days ago. It has been interesting to watch so far as I've always used clones in the past. Good Luck to ya!

dirk d

Active Member
thanks for the words of encouragement RLH.

hey 4tatude ya im getting this race started. the headband i think i got on the 19th of FEB but it was in some kinda rockwell cube and it wasnt really working so i cut up the cube and put it in my net pots. started rooting around last wednesday and put into veg yesterday.

unfortunately my other OG Kush still has not sprouted its stem, makes me worried when a seed is slow might get another seed germinated so i have at least 2 to pick from for my mother


Well-Known Member
one thing about seeds, only the strong survive. i think we sometime get cought up on saving something thats better off being removed from the gene pool. sucks tho when you pay good dough for them.
the headband looks like its coming outa its funk with the rockwool. but then you just cut and re cloned it right? is that a 707 cut or something else? i got a sneaky feeling that may be what my olive oil plant is. got the clones through a second party so cant contact the orig cloner. take some good pics of her for me as we go along, i want to compare and see if they look and act alike. i really like whatever it is, rapid growth and multiple branches. structure base is sturdy but limbs are thin but many. guess ill know when its done wheather its good or not:)

dirk d

Active Member
supposedly my headband is a clone off the original headband from humbodlt. i got it as a clone from a friend who said the person he got it from said they had to sign a waiver saying they wouldnt sell the clones. idk both my headbands are looking good i'll take more pics of them this saturday when i do the updates.

ya it really sucks when you see a seed suffering. it probably is better to take it out of the gene pool but ya i paid $20 a seed almost so i'll ride it out. lol.

dirk d

Active Member
well i checked on OG #2 trying to figure out why it wasnt moving tore up the rapid rooter and noticed the tap root had dried out decided to kill it since it was such a slow seed. will geminate another OG Kush tonight as a replacement.