Yea, I hate my wifes cats... they have been conditioned to be snooty ass little fuckers ..... I digress..Man that sucks ass. Sorry to hear about that, honostly I fucking hate cats with a passion. Hope you have Dan on lockdown....
its great you see a change almost everyday lol
souldnt be a problem at 400+ watts. usually on a 15 amp breaker (typical house breaker size) the limit is around 1500 watts.Ok, tonight I got a sheet of dryer vent ... my dad got me a dremel for christmas . Gonna put it to good use making another hood. All I need are the lights now. Little by little bit... a piece at a time. I really want to get those 100 watt cfls from home depot I posted about previously in my journal. If I can get 4 of those in my box I will be set.... you think I could run 400 watts off of one wall plug and a 6 way strip. It would prob. Only be 200 watts for a while if I can get funds ... but with the way things are now a days.. we all know how tight it can get. Keep on growin guys !
Thanks man !!!! Yea, I have to save up some money and invest in some Panda Film! I was talking to the wife and was wondering how mirrors (just a stony would work out. It wouls be expensive ... but I can only imagine the massive glow coming from a mirror lined box. I want those new lights soo bad i can taste it.... Hope everything is going good in your neck of the woods !!Way to go greenpower000! This little operation of yours is really starting to look sharp. Next step: Panda Film! You'll really notice the difference, especially in cahoots with your new lights to be.