The Art of The Auto


Active Member
Anybody had much experience with Low Life AK47 Feminised autos?

Real tempted to try them out considering they claim a high yield and short lifespan.


Active Member
I know that the JEMs purple is genetic but I've noticed that they will turn purple in cool weather then lose their color when introduced to warmer weather next time anybody gets a White pheno cool it down a bit and watch the calyxes turn(Also the Mi5 will turn color in cool weather, I wonder if their leaves are cloved as well? Know what I'm thinking??)...
The true purple pheno will show color even if its 95f and nothing will make them color faster or loose their color, I did a side by side with a white and purple pheno and this is how I've came to this conclusion...


Well-Known Member
I'm getting ready to order some new auto seeds . Which strain seem to have the best yeild and strongest THC level, also which bank has the best customer service and product. I'm in the U.S.A. any help would be great. Thanks


Well-Known Member
I'm getting ready to order some new auto seeds . Which strain seem to have the best yeild and strongest THC level, also which bank has the best customer service and product. I'm in the U.S.A. any help would be great. Thanks
1st i love my Diesel Ryders... haven't smoked it yet so idk bout the high
2nd You cant go wrong with attitude seed bank, i usually get my seeds to the east coast in a week flat


Active Member
Hisser mate, you have a cloven ALF #3 there. Nice looking gals mate.!!

FD: I am bloated.. lol i took a second plate just to taste it all again.
JM: We seriously debate buying a frozen turkey some times just to have it.. lol middle of summer, mmm turkey time!!! :D:D

Anybody had much experience with Low Life AK47 Feminised autos?

Real tempted to try them out considering they claim a high yield and short lifespan.
There has been some nice grows posted about it. I've never run lowlifes. But mi5 is just auto ak, that i have run. There are some nice yields to be found for sure.

Harry Bald Sack

Active Member
Hello everyone. Merry Christmas to you all.

Dana's yellowing problem seems to have stopped and the new green looks vibrant and perky. Thanks again to those who helped me.
christmas 033.jpg

John Mondello

Active Member
hisser: nice plethera of plants! I like your SCROG method very much! I'll be interested to see your weights...

BH: Do it! Do it! I bbq'ed 2 chickens one year on the charcoal grill outside for like 6 hours super slow ne day with bbq sauce (my special mix) and awwww man! delicious! I'll bet turkey would be just as good if not better!

I ordered all my seeds (see previous posts for pics) from
All are as described, both auto and feminized... I think yields will be quite well!

Yield will be, more importantly tied to your root space, lighting, ventiliation, water ph, enviro conix etc.


John Mondello

Active Member
I know that the JEMs purple is genetic but I've noticed that they will turn purple in cool weather then lose their color when introduced to warmer weather next time anybody gets a White pheno cool it down a bit and watch the calyxes turn(Also the Mi5 will turn color in cool weather, I wonder if their leaves are cloved as well? Know what I'm thinking??)...
The true purple pheno will show color even if its 95f and nothing will make them color faster or loose their color, I did a side by side with a white and purple pheno and this is how I've came to this conclusion...

neal, again thanks for the tip and info!

Harry Bald Sack

Active Member
BH: Do it! Do it! I bbq'ed 2 chickens one year on the charcoal grill outside for like 6 hours super slow ne day with bbq sauce (my special mix) and awwww man! delicious! I'll bet turkey would be just as good if not better!


You guys are speaking my language. I smoked a turkey for thanksgiving and it was knee-buckling. I usually do 4 chickens once every couple weeks in the summer. I too make my own BBQ sauce J. and I would put my ribs up against anyones.

Bh; I have a turkey sitting in my freezer for the superbowl. That will make it my 3rd bird this holiday season.


Well-Known Member
neal, again thanks for the tip and info!
Im going to give this a shot and see what happens. I can drop the crap out of my temps if i need to. I think that if none of these start to change by them selves, near the end im gonna cut the heat and see what happens.

Oh and the 3 JEMS i have going teo decided to show today. Got 2 more gals in the room. SO i passed the auto trait perfectly :) and the sister could be twins. The balance is fantastic. Looks as if they came from the same seed. Ill do an over head tomorrow to show ya.

Still think that the one that hasnt shown is a male. Its way to young to tell either way, but it has that "look" to it. Im still pretty close at hitting them before they show me.


Active Member
watching QI christmas eve..and they were on about Harry Potter...
apparently someof the character names are real names..
these include Hagrid..Dumbledor..and Muggles....

Muggles..apparently is an Old Americanism for dope plants..or dope smokers....:bigjoint:

Morning Muggles......

back for a yap when I have had the dogS out....
got my m8's dog as well while he is in the UK.

dargo...Merry Christmas Bro..

I have a feeling that the Friday night tradition of tric shots is gonna be back...
especially since FullD got the microscope for christmas......:mrgreen:
Can't tell You how much I miss seeing your greenhouse full to brimming....
fruit and veg too..not just the girls.

Freakie little leaf trait for Boxing day...



Well-Known Member
Morning Muggles......
Morning or in my world im about to head to bed lol

especially since FullD got the microscope for christmas......:mrgreen:
It is addicting thats the reason that i am still up, i need to put it away and go to bed. :)

Freakie little leaf trait for Boxing day...
Now that is something there and i see that its not limited to one leaf either.
Seems like you are getting more and more water marks in you work every day
let them try to rip this one.......