Daily smoker of weed.


Well-Known Member
I know this is a stupid question but who here smokes weed everyday or at least a few times a week??

I smoke at least 3 days out of the week, it's starting to become a habit. I have been smoking weed for almost a year almost everyday, but now I'm getting what it feels like permanent hazed vision. Sense moving to canada I have been getting nothing but indica dominant nug that just seems to relax me... I smoked some chronic the first time i got high and it gave me so much energy. Now I just feel like falling asleep after smoking.


Well-Known Member
It must just be from canadas cold ass winters.
well I'm in your area and my eyes are fine...do you by any chance work in the factory zone, maybe you've got some sort of radiation poisoning (think simpsons three eyed fish) from living in the hammer



Well-Known Member
well I'm in your area and my eyes are fine...do you by any chance work in the factory zone, maybe you've got some sort of radiation poisoning (think simpsons three eyed fish) from living in the hammer

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haha no... I live up in the mountains near Dundas. Hamilton is pretty ghetto, I worked in the downtown part and I hated it... But i was also tipped with weed from time to time by this pot head.

I think it should be mandatory to smoke at least the equivalent of 2 marijuana cigarettes daily.
I will make t-shirts to inform everyone.


Active Member
I smoke every day all day....for a long, long time, and I feel fucking great lol. If you think its cold in hamilton don't come to the prairies Calgary was the 2nd coldest spot on the planet last month after Antarctica lol winter sux


Well-Known Member
I smoke every day all day....for a long, long time, and I feel fucking great lol. If you think its cold in hamilton don't come to the prairies Calgary was the 2nd coldest spot on the planet last month after Antarctica lol winter sux
How do you keep the women warm? o_o I use a small heater fan, which does that job quite nicely.


Active Member
Yup, those space heaters are a must. High temps have not been an issue this winter lo, its fine with the lights on....when they're off its too cold with out a couple heaters goin.

Papa Raazi

I smoke everyday i have weed (which is often) and it has never messed with my vision, and the only time i feel more burnt out when i smoke is when im lying in bed ready to sleep :P

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I smoke every day a few times a day

no blurred vision

weed lowers inner ocular pressure though

maybe your eyes are sooo stoned theyre like, 'this dude wants me to focus like ALL the time man! all the time I swear! you know what, im not taking this shit, fuck this.. im not focusing anymore'


Well-Known Member
i smoke everyday. and i have been for a fucking long time. i cant remeber the last time i didnt have a spliff. i have atleast 5 bowls a day.

but i cant sleep without it anyway. so i always have one before i go to bed.

think i need a break though. i just dont fel lke im getting as stoned. i just get really fucking chilled out lol. one thing is though, i find it so hard not to have a spliff. especially when you work. you get home and you just want to sit down, pack a bowl and relax.

ah the mighty ganja. i fucking love her :D


Active Member
all day everyday, but not if i am working, then only after work. i find i can stop completely if i run out it dosnt bother me i think it is because the thc in my body takes 28 days to go so its a gradual withdrawl unlike opiates, and so there is no rattle.