can someone please check put my plant im worried


Im a first time grower so Im not sure if my plant should look like this. My plant had came out the soil 2 days ago with the seed still on so I was recommended to put a humidity dome over it which I did now today the seed has fallen off and my plant looks like this.... does my plant look ok and if it is at what point do I remove the dome (it was removed for the picture) thanks



Weed Modifier

Seedlings do not need a dome! only cuttings.

Too much water in soil do not water for awhile or you may hurt your little one.


how much water should I use I had just watered before I took this picture and the last watering before that was yestarday. is this still too much ? is it ment to look curled up should this stretch out over the next few days
how much water should I use I had just watered before I took this picture and the last watering before that was yestarday. is this still too much ? is it ment to look curled up should this stretch out over the next few days
YES, way to much.
Pick up the pot,feel how heavy it is wet, when it feels light as air, it's time.
You really should read someof the sticky threads in the newbie section. Spend hours there.


Weed Modifier
Yes you should only water when soil is almost dry...not everyday more like 5-7 days depending....roots need to breath. if you water everyday this will hurt her.
When she is bigger maybe every couple days but even that! Learn what makes a plant tick. knowledge is key.


It looks fine, just needs a few days to form it self. I dont think you need a dome as its sprouted tho. Good luck do as much reading as you can.


thats what ive been doing I water it when its light and the surface is dry and dry about 2 inches down the trouble is im using a 125w envirolite cfl and it dries it out a lot quicker ok thanks for the advice Im gonna leave it an extra day than I normally would and check it again


Well-Known Member
looks fine but dont water as much youll over do it like every1 said check the weight of it and when its light they need fed . happy growing