i really need help please reply

i suffer from a chronic condition called hereditary angioedema and it gets extremely painful and i always had to take 3 to 4 of the 10-660 percocets every 6 hours just to make myself comfortable and i know my shit and my strains but not all the medical purposes for each one so im looking for strains that are the best for pain and nausea so if you can give me name of strains it would help me a lot thanks :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Somethings even pot is not strong enough for...sounds like you need whiskey? or acid or something. Pot did not help one bit when I had a toothache the pain was too great.. My tooth ever hurts like that again I am huffin gas. lol

The strain herijuana is ok although tolerance builds up quick with it. it is at sannies shop. I hope you are free from that shit in the next life-- good luck to you.


Well-Known Member
I think the plant KHAT would help you more if you can grow it! Seeds are still availible, do a search ya never know.


Well-Known Member
Personally id get a heavy indica somthing like
Afghanica Or Hindu Kush , ive got both growing currently and there amazing for my back and stomach pain, im sure they would be helpful for you as well.


Well-Known Member
Romulan, even though it's sativa dom, does act like a heavy indica and will relieve pain. I have alot of joint pain and take percocet as well, but my grandaddy purp is the best I've found for pain and nausea.
thanks for the help i will try some of those i also got and ounce of blueberry and ice they worked pretty well im also growing some ak-47 and lomen white widow. the herijuana sounds good too i also heard of wrex and pitbull has anyone tried ether of these?
i just remebered i have a joint left some very nicely grown and manicured train wrek my friend grew and i just sparked it and i must say it is good tasting and if i smoke a few bowls of ice and blueberry out of my bong i would be nicely medicated also can anyone give me a link on how to roll a cross joint like in pineapple express? cuz i only roll cone joints with a spliff at one end and thing that a cross joint would be a nice change up:mrgreen:
can someone please answer my questions? and let me know about the strains wrex and pittbull can someone give me a review or something if you have tried thee strains??? come on help me out please

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
Blue Dream is a good strain for pain during the day.
Ummm when i smoke blue dream my head is in the clouds but my bodys pretty normal.
Sativa bro.

dang dude that disease you got sounds serious, thought i heard that shit on the show House or something before!

Best luck, my fav pain relievers is anything purplee

And trainwreck is my fav strain btw :p luckyy