need help asap - plant leaves drooping

ive got young plants 3-5weeks old . basically they start of in very small pots as soon as i repot them 2-3days later they start drooping . i ad moist compost in to the transplant pot and then leave for 2-3days . i dont think its over watering coz i leave them for 2-3days till the tops dry then water . btw this is window grow and i dont open windows to much . also theirs no colour change just the leaves start drooping .what could the problem be ? please help asap ive already lost 3plants to this problem


New Member
at 3 to 5 weeks your plants need to be in 2 or 3 gallon pot , buckets. if there in little 1 gallon pots at 3 to 5 weeks you have killed them due to not enough room for the roots to grow anymore.


Well-Known Member
at 3 to 5 weeks your plants need to be in 2 or 3 gallon pot , buckets. if there in little 1 gallon pots at 3 to 5 weeks you have killed them due to not enough room for the roots to grow anymore.
HOLY FUCK!!!!!! Do you really think that, that is the answer to everything that your plant is rootbound?? Stop giving wrong advise

It is probably drooping because your not getting her enough light


Well-Known Member
plus keeping them in the window is dangerous and the plants will stretch so much they wont support themselves


Active Member
lol iv seen some pretty big plants grow in some pretty small spaces its not rootbound ill tell you that much


Well-Known Member
His answer to everything is to repot the plants which he is completely wrong... Ive seen 8 foot plants in small pots from start to finish and did just fine so I wouldn't listen to WHITETIGER