Attention! Large Volume Growers - Did You Know?


Well-Known Member
Bump. I've gone to learn more about Rick Simpson and his Phoenix Tears Hemp Oil, which can be made by anyone. Evidently, at the request of Jack Herer before he died, Rick Simpson would be his replacement as head of the Hemp Movement. He had left Canada because his home was raided once again by the RCMP, and there is a warrent for his arrest. I believe he is in Amsterdam now, however, he said that he would probably end up in South America where he can grow hemp and make the medicine he needs to live.

There is a large amount of people that are making the oil now, but I feel we need to continue to get the word out both to those that are pro-hemp and those that look at it as dangerous, illicit, and something that should remain illegal like I did not too long ago. I don't mean that I was anti-hemp, quite the contrary, but that I had an underlying belief that while smoking it, I was doing something that wasn't right. Now the light is on. I see now that hemp is the most medicinal plant on the face of the earth. IT FUCKING CURES CANCER!!!! If we don't spread the word, we're doing those that will die without ever knowing about it a disservice.
for sure but lets be clear here . . .

it cures /most/ cancers . . .

because of the nature of mutation . . . . there will /always/ be a cancer incurable by cannabis. that's exactly how Bob Marley died of lung cancer . . . . he smoked a LOT. carcinogens + antitumer agents = antitumer agent resistant cancer . . . .

Collisto's Orbit

Well-Known Member
OK, poplars, point taken, however, when you consider the context of a plant that was made illegal because of its dangers, IT CURES CANCER is not inaccurate. When you consider the context of people dying because of chemotheropy, or merely prolonging life with it, IT CURES CANCER is not inaccurate. When you consider the general awareness of people in the US and the wide world (think real low) IT CURES CANCER is not inaccurate. This is something that all cancer patients need to be made aware.

Collisto's Orbit

Well-Known Member
Also, Bob Marley may have died earlier than his actual date had he not smoked hemp. That of course can't be proven. But as it is now known, smoking burns up most of the healing power of hemp, he might have been able to beat his lung cancer by eating the oil.


New Member
Thanks for the post, Interesting discussion. I first herd about Rick Simpson about a year ago when I became part of medical marijuana movement shortly after our state adopted its medical marijuana laws. Rick Simpson and his movies is a big peice of our movement in michigan and we do try to educate people about Simpson oil in our medical marijuana community. I have witness it essentially 'cure' some cancers with my own eyes and treat many illness, Three major illness that can be witness with your own eyes that it treats very effectively are MS, insulin dependent diabetics, and epilepsy; these three you can witness the help that it provides the patient instantaneously.

I believe that marijuana has a lot of therapeutic value for everyone if used properly regardless of your medical condition.

I wish I could find the link to these studies but I have searched and can not find it right now but they did studies to see why our brains had these canibinoid receptors that was thought to only be activated by marijuana use, the scientist found that there is a chemical that our brain produces naturally and that its purpose is to help us forget unnecessary information. The chemical is most active during sleep when our brain attempts to organize all of its thoughts and forget any unnecessary, unimportant information such as the diameter of a strangers face which we passed on the street, its a very important function of our brains to organize this information so that we feel rested, so in a sense cannabis increases the efficiency of our minds in forgetting and resting, it helps you to be more sharp and rested in the long term. I found this really interesting and I thought I would share.


Well-Known Member
Also, Bob Marley may have died earlier than his actual date had he not smoked hemp. That of course can't be proven. But as it is now known, smoking burns up most of the healing power of hemp, he might have been able to beat his lung cancer by eating the oil.
no, because he created cannabinoid resistant cancer . . . do you really get what I'm saying?

saying it cures cancer means it cures ALL cancer . . . . this is not so . . it cures MOST cancers. I don't know why you can't take that?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the post, Interesting discussion. I first herd about Rick Simpson about a year ago when I became part of medical marijuana movement shortly after our state adopted its medical marijuana laws. Rick Simpson and his movies is a big peice of our movement in michigan and we do try to educate people about Simpson oil in our medical marijuana community. I have witness it essentially 'cure' some cancers with my own eyes and treat many illness, Two major illness that can be witness with your own eyes that it treats very effectively are MS, insulin dependent diabetics, and epilepsy.

I believe that marijuana has a lot of therapeutic value for everyone if used properly regardless of your medical condition.

I wish I could find the link to these studies but I have searched and can not find it right now but they did studies to see why our brains had these canibinoid receptors that was thought to only be activated by marijuana use, the scientist found that there is a chemical that our brain produces naturally and that its purpose is to help us forget unnecessary information. The chemical is most active during sleep when our brain attempts to organize all of its thoughts and forget any unnecessary, unimportant information such as the diameter of a strangers face which we passed on the street, its a very important function of our brains to organize this information so that we feel rested, so in a sense cannabis increases the efficiency of our minds in forgetting and resting, it helps you to be more sharp and rested in the long term. I found this really interesting and I thought I would share.
I'll happily take you at your word, i'm pretty sure i've read the same thing somewhere. it'd be nice to gather all the info together in one superthread.

Collisto's Orbit

Well-Known Member
Dude, I get what you're saying, but you have no idea what happened on the innards of Bob Marley other than he died of lung cancer. You can't say definitively what went on. Perhaps what you say happened happened, and perhaps it did not. My point, if you get what I'm saying, is that he burned the vast majority of the healing properties in hemp when he smoked it. Had he ate the oil instead, once he got cancer, he would have had the benefit of all 60 cannabinoids (or however many) in the plant.


New Member
Dude, I get what you're saying, but you have no idea what happened on the innards of Bob Marley other than he died of lung cancer. You can't say definitively what went on. Perhaps what you say happened happened, and perhaps it did not. My point, if you get what I'm saying, is that he burned the vast majority of the healing properties in hemp when he smoked it. Had he ate the oil instead, once he got cancer, he would have had the benefit of all 60 cannabinoids (or however many) in the plant.
My marijuana doctor is kind of on this same page but he differs in one major way from Rick Simpson, he says that making butter/oil with trim, leaves, and stems or capsules is the best way and that the main purpose the bud serves is for THC, he claims you can get almost all of the medicinal benefits simply from the stems and stalks (except the benefits from THC such as helping your appetite). So I take all my trim and make butter right now but I will be making capsules soon, one of my patients has ordered a machine to make them.


Well-Known Member
Dude, I get what you're saying, but you have no idea what happened on the innards of Bob Marley other than he died of lung cancer. You can't say definitively what went on. Perhaps what you say happened happened, and perhaps it did not. My point, if you get what I'm saying, is that he burned the vast majority of the healing properties in hemp when he smoked it. Had he ate the oil instead, once he got cancer, he would have had the benefit of all 60 cannabinoids (or however many) in the plant.
for sure . . . but I the likelyhood of it actually being /normal/ cancer that doesn't respond to cannabinoids is very very unlikely by the science I've presented in this thread.

Collisto's Orbit

Well-Known Member
My marijuana doctor is kind of on this same page but he differs in one major way from Rick Simpson, he says that making butter/oil with trim, leaves, and stems or capsules is the best way and that the main purpose the bud serves is for THC, he claims you can get almost all of the medicinal benefits simply from the stems and stalks (except the benefits from THC such as helping your appetite). So I take all my trim and make butter right now but I will be making capsules soon, one of my patients has ordered a machine to make them.
Really. I suppose that makes some sense. The compounds are in the flowers, why wouldn't some of them be on the leaves and stems. I wonder if the plant must be flowering for that to be true, or can you take any plant in its vegetative state? I don't think I would ever produce oil from a plant that hadn't completed flowering

Collisto's Orbit

Well-Known Member
for sure . . . but I the likelyhood of it actually being /normal/ cancer that doesn't respond to cannabinoids is very very unlikely by the science I've presented in this thread.
You meant normal cancer that responds to cannbinoids is unlikely, right?


Well-Known Member
no, I mean that after curing and creating and curing and creating, there is likely to be cancer that doesn't express cannabinoid receptors on the outside of the cell in ANY WAY.

which would thus, make it impossible to cure that cancer with cannabinoids, you'd have to try another route. that's all I've been saying this /entire/ time.


Active Member
wow... poplars i really think you need to back your theories with current evidence which shows cancer cells adapting to cannacinoids or else you really need to stop preaching. Secondly it's the THC that cures cancer and in order to get the most thc the plant has to finish flowering and you have to use the buds. Sure the leaves and stems have thc but it's very little. To sum up you need to strongest and most potent plants in order to make the medicine. End of discussion, spread the word, then and only THEN the doctors and scientists can take over and explain exactly how the cure works.


Well-Known Member
wow... poplars i really think you need to back your theories with current evidence which shows cancer cells adapting to cannacinoids or else you really need to stop preaching. Secondly it's the THC that cures cancer and in order to get the most thc the plant has to finish flowering and you have to use the buds. Sure the leaves and stems have thc but it's very little. To sum up you need to strongest and most potent plants in order to make the medicine. End of discussion, spread the word, then and only THEN the doctors and scientists can take over and explain exactly how the cure works.
I don't need a research article to tell you the nature of cancer.

you'd be a straight up idiot to say you'd need proof that cancer can become resistent. it may be a small chance but it can still happen.

go google mutation.

all it would take is it knocking out the gene that causes cannabinoid receptors to be expressed, and that's it, you have cannabinoid resistant cancer.

go read a book.

and +rep for showing me a new level of idiocy I didn't think was possible.


Active Member
I don't need a research article to tell you the nature of cancer.

you'd be a straight up idiot to say you'd need proof that cancer can become resistent. it may be a small chance but it can still happen.

go google mutation.

all it would take is it knocking out the gene that causes cannabinoid receptors to be expressed, and that's it, you have cannabinoid resistant cancer.

go read a book.

and +rep for showing me a new level of idiocy I didn't think was possible.
take a chill pill and let the researchers do their job, and what you have suggested isn't possible... ALL HUMANS have cannabinoid receptors and it's there for a purpose. "all it would take is it knocking out the gene that causes cannabinoid receptors to be expressed, and that's it, you have cannabinoid resistant cancer. " uhhh i'm sorry but that's can't happen, not in the mood to explain your dumb ass why.

Next time you are hurt by someones comment don't call them an idiot. I hate negative people who can't back their shit(youre so called scientific explanations suck btw), go fuck off and stop hijacking people post next time( my other post)