

Well-Known Member
We have just about 2 feet in NY. Do you think it would be possible to shovel out a spot, dig a hole about 3 feet deep, cover it in PVC (I could run an electric cord out there for heat too) and do an outdoor grow....................................anyone?.................................anyone?
sorry.....had to be done.


Well-Known Member
as long as the cold air doesent get to it and dont put the pot on the ground. how did you like the pats game sorry had to say it lol. im from boston. and i was woundering if you could water with snow water after it melts of course? im going out side and getting some snow letting it melt and checking the ph.


Well-Known Member
as long as the cold air doesent get to it and dont put the pot on the ground. how did you like the pats game sorry had to say it lol. im from boston. and i was woundering if you could water with snow water after it melts of course? im going out side and getting some snow letting it melt and checking the ph.
LOL. I was just going to say; you can water with melted snow so long as you let it sit out overnight. I didnt get to see the Pat's game I was shoveling and shoveling and shoveling lol. I got to see some of the Green Bay game and about 2 quarters of the Giants before I fell asleep.


Well-Known Member
nice it would be a good experiment to try. and yes leave it over night. i was shoveling my ass of 2 days ago my back still hurts and how was the green bay game?


Well-Known Member
I thought it was a pretty good game, what I saw of it. I would think that melted snow would have a neutral Ph. I can see it now, my wife is going to come home from work tonight and see the bathtub full of snow!!!


Well-Known Member
yes once before with the snow i like crushed ice to. sorry had to run to the store wateing for the plants to get up so i can get some pics cant wate.


Well-Known Member
here it snows again,,Southern Ontario to get almost a foot of snow today,,good thing I tarped the roof I'm workin on,,who else is gettin it

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
I wish,,still fallin white here bwinn,,looks like 4-5 inches so far and still comin,,funny thing is,,in 2-3 days,,it's supposed to be plus 7C

Keep on Growin



New Member
I wish it would snow here in tennessee...if it's going to be cold and rainy it might as well snow....