HELP, nute burn, nute def, over water, under water?


Well-Known Member
I got this clone and it looked pretty healthy, so i put it in ffof soil and watered it that day, but the next day it started drooping and has only gotten worse, it is under 2 23 watt cfls, and the bottom leaves are starting to yellow and almost all the tips of every leaf are burnt, it is drooping pretty bad i dont know what to do. here are some pics cause they are probably better than what i can tell you. please help as i really dont want this to die.


Well-Known Member
I got this clone and it looked pretty healthy, so i put it in ffof soil and watered it that day, but the next day it started drooping and has only gotten worse, it is under 2 23 watt cfls, and the bottom leaves are starting to yellow and almost all the tips of every leaf are burnt, it is drooping pretty bad i dont know what to do. here are some pics cause they are probably better than what i can tell you. please help as i really dont want this to die.
here are the pics



Well-Known Member
Looks like transplant shock, The yellowing of the leaf is the plant using stored nutrients. Drooping excessively is under watering. They droop a little when over watered. You say you moved it and watered it. If you watered it real good then just wait a few days it should respond. Be sure the ph is correct. All I can think of.
Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Looks like transplant shock, The yellowing of the leaf is the plant using stored nutrients. Drooping excessively is under watering. They droop a little when over watered. You say you moved it and watered it. If you watered it real good then just wait a few days it should respond. Be sure the ph is correct. All I can think of.
Good luck.
i got it 4 days ago and watered it that day so dont you think it should have responded by now?


Well-Known Member

Did you ph the water before you watered her and ff oc. is pretty hot lots of org. nuts, when you ph your water all ways
wait at least 1 hour for the water to stabilize before watering


Well-Known Member

Did you ph the water before you watered her and ff oc. is pretty hot lots of org. nuts, when you ph your water all ways
wait at least 1 hour for the water to stabilize before watering
its on well water so its not chlorine and it is always around 6.8-7.0


Well-Known Member
its on well water so its not chlorine and it is always around 6.8-7.0
all right i watered it today and tested the runoff and it was about 6.8-7.0, im hoping it will pick up in a couple days from this. Do you guys think i should have added some big bloom to it at like 1/4.(alls i have is BB and TB)


Well-Known Member
Some else mentioned it, transplant shock, because you put it in too large of a container. They shouldn't be in their final container until they're a little bigger than that.


Well-Known Member
Some else mentioned it, transplant shock, because you put it in too large of a container. They shouldn't be in their final container until they're a little bigger than that.
how much of shock can there be from picking up a cube with the plant in it and putting it in a hole in the ground?


Well-Known Member
how much of shock can there be from picking up a cube with the plant in it and putting it in a hole in the ground?
alright after that water it looks like its perking up, when do you guys think i should throw my 150 hps in there?


Well-Known Member
alright after that water it looks like its perking up, when do you guys think i should throw my 150 hps in there?
k the plant is looking much better this morning, except a couple leaves are still on a slight droop. But every leaf has the tips of it burnt is this from the stress it just underwent or what?


Well-Known Member
Yep, I figured it would bounce back. Sometimes it takes a little longer. Could be she didnt have enough air with all the water to the roots. Burnt tips are usually over nutes, I would say go ahead and throw the 150 in there but keep her on water untill she starts turning light green all over. then she is hungry for nutes. Even with well water you should keep your ph a bit lower. Like between 6.0 and 6.5 If you give her a couple days without water the droop should go away.


Well-Known Member
Yep, I figured it would bounce back. Sometimes it takes a little longer. Could be she didnt have enough air with all the water to the roots. Burnt tips are usually over nutes, I would say go ahead and throw the 150 in there but keep her on water untill she starts turning light green all over. then she is hungry for nutes. Even with well water you should keep your ph a bit lower. Like between 6.0 and 6.5 If you give her a couple days without water the droop should go away.
well the droop is all gone now except for 1 leaf has a little droop but nothing major. Is big bloom ok to feed her since its micronutrients mostly, and how do u suggest i lower the ph?