Gel on my roots and not in my hair


I noticed a gel like substance forming on the roots in my NFT system. Anybody have a clue to what this might be?


Well-Known Member
You are getting root rot. Block all light to root zone and the res. Keep the res temp under 70 degrees and keep it aerated. You may want to dose with 35% H2O2 at 5 ml a gallon, then use Hygrozyme per instructions and you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
Yep! Light proof you res. and root zone. Also, if you are to use 35% h202 i suggest you to start half strengh so at 5ml per gallon. Than a week later go full strenght wich is 5ml per 10L of water. Hygrozyme isnt a good idea in hydroponic system.


Well-Known Member
good luck I tried h202 & hygrozyme even after a month of nursing they never recovered so i started over.


Well-Known Member
Everyone is very quick around here to call root rot. More than likely, however, your dealing with brown slime.

The gel you see...does it look like snot? Any smell? Did you add any new nutrients to your res recently?

Brown slime can affect you even with a lightproof res and TONS of dissolved oxygen. Its not root rot but is often diagnosed as such because rr is much more common.



Well-Known Member
Everyone is very quick around here to call root rot. More than likely, however, your dealing with brown slime.

The gel you see...does it look like snot? Any smell? Did you add any new nutrients to your res recently?

Brown slime can affect you even with a lightproof res and TONS of dissolved oxygen. Its not root rot but is often diagnosed as such because rr is much more common.

mine did look like snot , what causes it and how do ya fix it. I finally gave up and started over.


Well-Known Member
mine did look like snot , what causes it and how do ya fix it. I finally gave up and started over.

Not trying to jack a thread but brown slime is a mofo. I got hit with it in my first grow of 2010 and it messed things up, bigtime. I did finally get rid of it but ended up starting over because some of the plants were affected more than the others, so some were super big, others, not so much. As far as I have been able to research, its caused when certain organic components are added to a res. I am not sure if the organism is present in the organic material or whether it is always present in the res, and just waiting for the right conditions to "bloom" but like I said, you can have great dissolved oxy levels, light tight res, cool res temps all the things you need to keep root rot away and will still get hit with brown slime.

This is the best resource I have ever found for it Here Its not RIU but its full of pic examples and tons of info.



Well-Known Member
lol... brown slime plagues my attempts @ hydro.
he's right about organics and brown slime having a correllation


Well-Known Member
but theres a trick.... i learned from my waterfall gardens.

in-line UV filter.... runs around 100$. its a filter that uses UV light to destroy algae growth.
ive seen them clear a 2000 gal pond that the water had the consistancy of chicken noodle soup (seriously, not exaggerating on that. it was nasty) in just a day or 3 and then keep it clear for 3 years and counting . the brown slime is an algae... algae hates UV light.
the bad thing for you hydroguys is the the filter needs to be constantly running, in other words, its going to need its own recirculating pump, unless your running a fast rdwc (flooded tubes)


Well-Known Member
i wonder if it has any effect on the nutes, i would spend 100 bucks to keep it from happening to me again, the pump isn't a big deal i could just put it in line with my chiller


Well-Known Member
Not trying to jack a thread but brown slime is a mofo. I got hit with it in my first grow of 2010 and it messed things up, bigtime. I did finally get rid of it but ended up starting over because some of the plants were affected more than the others, so some were super big, others, not so much. As far as I have been able to research, its caused when certain organic components are added to a res. I am not sure if the organism is present in the organic material or whether it is always present in the res, and just waiting for the right conditions to "bloom" but like I said, you can have great dissolved oxy levels, light tight res, cool res temps all the things you need to keep root rot away and will still get hit with brown slime.

This is the best resource I have ever found for it Here Its not RIU but its full of pic examples and tons of info.

I have tried physan 20, but you can not use it in a dwc set ups, major bubbles, it is a great disenfectant.


Well-Known Member
I have tried physan 20, but you can not use it in a dwc set ups, major bubbles, it is a great disenfectant.
I figured out what caused mine and eliminated it from my nute cycle. In my case the culprit was floralicious grow. Once I eliminated it, I gave the roots a good flush with h202 and changed my res everyday for 2-3 days it cleared up and yes, I was in DWC.



Well-Known Member
the reason the uv filter works-

algae is a biomass... this means that the slime you see is consisted of millions if not billions of individual organisms.
the life span of these organisms is relatively short. however, they breed like rats.
when they breed, the off spring seperate themselves from the biomass and free float, looking for a new spot of its own to colonize.. think of dandelion seeds blowing in the wind... but with algae and water.
as these free floating algae pass through the UV filter, the intense UV light damages the chromozones, which prevents it from breeding and in most cases downright kills the algae on contact.
sunburn from hell you could call it.
the upside to this is a UV filter kills alot of things besides algae, eliminating most causes of rot and bacteria/algae growth in the tank. and what it cant eliminate, its stop cold from being able to spread further, so if you still have spots of algae after installing the filter, bleach em out and then the uv will stop it from coming back after that point, unless youyr solution really gets out of control...


Well-Known Member
I figured out what caused mine and eliminated it from my nute cycle. In my case the culprit was floragrow. Once I eliminated it, I gave the roots a good flush with h202 and changed my res everyday for 2-3 days it cleared up and yes, I was in DWC.

I'm using floragrow, did it get contaminated what did the floragrow have to do with it?


Well-Known Member
I'm using floragrow, did it get contaminated what did the floragrow have to do with it?
My bad, just double checked my bottle, floralicious grow, edited my post. Floragorw shouldnt give you any issues or cause brown slime, its entirely chemical based and I have used the GH flora series in all my hydro grows.



Well-Known Member
What are you guys running for Ca Mg and bloom boosters/sweet that is non organic? Do you really have to battle the slime to get good tasting bud? I know organics are going to be a pain in the butt so trying to steer clear if I can, but I do want good tasting stuff. I am running CNS17 Bloom/Ripe with this harvest and I took a couple colas last week that are drying. We will see how they taste.