California is the Next Amsterdam


New Member
Nice insults, but my comments still stand on their merit. Buy any homegrown cig's lately?

Know why not?

Weed will be the same.

It will be controlled, it will be regulated, it will be taxed, it will end up being produced by big professionals (perhaps Big tobacco).

Take all four of those to the bank.


Well-Known Member
um i dont make home grown cigs cause i cant make the filter, i cant grow and dry the tobacco, i cant cure it and soak it in water like it needs to be. Then hung dry for the amount of time tobacco needs to be so it is not harsh. I can not make my own paper. I dont even know where to get the seeds. Also tobacco needs a nice warm climate to really grow. The major thing is the curing because its plant contains a natural wasp repellent that needs to be removed via curing to ensure a good smoke.


Well-Known Member
and lastly I can buy it in the stores already in a nice box. weed however is something that grows dried thats it ready to smoke.


Well-Known Member
Also i am sorry but i dont think you really grow. I mean thats fine but you seem to offer up alot of info but have yet to start a journal or post a pic that i have come accross. Unless you grow and know the conditions of a clean garden i dont know how much you can say about contaminants


New Member
You can't SELL it is my point ... Bucko.

If you think the govt. is going to let tons of people supply themselves (meaning no taxes for them).... you're wet behind the ears a bit. Think about it. Forget the glory words, realize the end result of govt. is always control and taxes. Home grown THWARTS that.

I'm not upset, and the grow part I didn't was the toothbrush :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
The idea of the legalization is to tax. The proposed tax according to some sources would be 50 dollars a ounce. Or a tax per plant for personal growing. I dont think most would mind paying a 50 dollar tax per plant and growing 4 monster plants outside. i mean four big plants will yeild you close to a pound each.


New Member
The toothbrush comment was simply me pointing out that contaminants are everywhere. When you flush your toilet, a shit cloud covers anything within about a 6 foot radius. Even stuff outside of that radius gets covered in shit, so to speak.

Although I can certainly see how that comment got construed the way it did! I love the politics section


Well-Known Member
man that made me laugh thinking about a shit cloud just covering the bathrooms across the world


New Member
The idea of the legalization is to tax. The proposed tax according to some sources would be 50 dollars a ounce. Or a tax per plant for personal growing. I dont think most would mind paying a 50 dollar tax per plant and growing 4 monster plants outside. i mean four big plants will yeild you close to a pound each.
So you think the govt. is going to run around and make sure everyone is in compliance?

:lol: No, govt. will always take the path of least resistance, more control. Home growing will not be traceable. hence, they will make that illegal still. The govt. is ALWAYS about controlling revenue to it as much as possible.

I know it isn't what you want to hear.... I understand. But it IS what's going to me.


Well-Known Member
You know whats funny. I just watched a msnbc report in which a norml spokes person said something that i think we all can agree with. Paying that extra few dollars to be a law abiding citizen is what people will do. No one cares that they have to pay tax. In fact i would..... like most people would, rather know that i am not going to suffer large fines, and possible jail time to get around a 50 dollar tax. Hell paying that 50 bucks, and allowing people to grow outside in the natural sun, which costs nothing in order to grow plants with half pounds on them is something everyone will do.


Well-Known Member
its not just about the tax collected cheif, its also about the money that they save from having to not enforce the law, and legal fees. possible savings could be 10-14 billion in law enforcement and jail costs.


New Member
Sure just keep telling yourself that. My data is always right in the end. But that's because i do my research BEFORE I post.

Think what you like, but right now, it's all words...and words can tell a pretty tale...but the action will end up being tightly controlled and taxed in a manner which is easy for the govt. Homegrown is NOT easy to tax. It's just that simple.

Anything will be said now to further the issue (take that into consideration), but the end result will be big growers taking over. Guaranteed.

I may be one of them... :wink:


New Member
My data is always right in the end.
Always, heh?

Like the poll you cited that said 45% of doctors would retire if health care reform passed. The one you continued to defend even after I pointed out its flawed methodology. The one that we are seeing not come true right before our very eyes.

If there is one thing you always are, it is cocksure of yourself. A trait which OFTEN makes you end up looking like a buffoon. No one but no one ALWAYS gets it right.

And I doubt that I will be unable to grow my own supply, no matter how they might try to stop me. I just pulled this fine lookin' piece of medicine last night....



New Member
That 45% stands today.... I've already addressed it in another thread.... keep spamming though...ur looking great!


Well-Known Member
Man you just sound like a fucking idiot. Nothing you have said is based on fact. Its your dumbass opinion. Yes people typically obey the law. What have you said that has ever made any bit of sense. The plant is a drug that one can and wil gladly pay 500 bucks a year for a card that gives them the ability to cultivate marijuana. Maybe if you grew and you knew what you end up getting from a fully mature outdoor plant you would know that 10 plants a year could yield 10 pounds of bud from home cultivation. Add the idea that you CANT GO TO JAIL people would be more then happy to pay. Also the idea is that its a plant that anyone can grow. If you make it legal for the 26 million americans who smoke via taxes then you also cut back on BILLIONS ON ARRESTS COSTS, AND JAIL COSTS.


Well-Known Member
man did he really say 45 percent of doctors would retire. thats just spot on, lol. imagine over 300,000 doctors out of around 700,000 doctors retiring.