12 Months of Seeds to Smoke

Lazy Eyes

I realized another mistake I had been making. Common sense really, I'm not sure why it didn't a cure to me sooner. Plants grow toward their light source right? Why did I have the two florescent lights on the bottom of the box on? Dumb dumb!

They're off now and it has made a very visible difference. These pics show the growth since turning off the two florescent.

1st pic 2/13
2nd pic 2/14
3rd & 4th pic 2/16



Well-Known Member
side (or bottom) lightning is benificial to light lower parts of the plants.
As for now I don't believe they need it but when you go into flowering it won't hurt them if you turn thoes on.

I like your devotion :D

Can you explain more about this bloombox thing? what is that?

Lazy Eyes

side (or bottom) lightning is benificial to light lower parts of the plants.
As for now I don't believe they need it but when you go into flowering it won't hurt them if you turn thoes on.

I like your devotion :D

Can you explain more about this bloombox thing? what is that?
Don't want to sound like a salesperson, but it's a great piece of equipment. Very high quality.

BC Northern has plenty of helpful videos on YouTube.

Lazy Eyes

Power outages SUCK! Besides having to reset my alarm clock, oven, dvd player, etc. It killed the power to to my lights, drip system, and water circulation.

Because the power was out overnight I slept with the Bloombox door open. I was afraid the humidity would run up overnight if the door was closed and there was no air circulation.

When I woke up I noticed a particular smell. The smell of weed! :hump:

A very fresh and eye opening smell. It hadn't been noticeable before, boy is it now!

Cocoa carbon filter time.

I'm very concerned about the health of the plants. They looked so much perkier 48 hours ago. Once the power came back on I did a close examination of each one. A couple of them have fuzzy little white things growing. See for yourself.


Lazy Eyes

thoes are pre-flowerings.
the dark time triggers them.

what was your time cicle?
These are autoflowering so it's age that triggers the flowering. I was hoping these runts would grow a little more before flowering.

They're on a 20/4 lighting cycle. I could run a 24/0 lighting cycle but I would get no sleep (I share a room with the box).

Lazy Eyes

Time to bolt on the filter. I don't mind the smell but I'm not sure my neighbors feel the same way. And I'm not curious to find out.

On a different note, HEMP CON 2010 is in town! The ultimate gathering of stoners. Hopefully I don't run into someone I work with, like I did at the hydro store.

I'll be on the lookout for a nutra-dip tri meter, Botanical Brothers hydro buckets, and a good time.


Lazy Eyes

Here are some day 26 pics. The middle plant is going strong while the rest are still playing catch up. Hopefully the fresh water and flowering nuts tomorrow will help. I also hooked up the CO2 and have that ready go.

On the front plant I noticed white stuff on the exposed rockwool. I don't think it's mold, maybe dried up nutes from the dripper? The cap on the Sensi Grow bottle has some dried up crystalized looking stuff on it too. I'll keep my eye on it.



Well-Known Member
it can be salt from the fertilizer. if so, it is crystalized. mold isn't.

your plants look overwatered and like they don't have enough air flow.
they don't look too well.

Lazy Eyes

I've been swamped with work so I haven't posted an update.

So, here's an update...

I reprogrammed the water schedule. They were being watered for 5 mins in the morning and 5 mins at night. Now they get 2 mins in the morning and 1 min at night. That's a pretty drastic diet.

I've also been more aggressive with the PH. Every night the PH seems to be 6.8 -7.0. I've been draining about 3 gallons from the tub and PHing it to 3.8 - 4.0. When I add it back into the tub, I end up at 5.2 - 5.5.

I repositioned the plant in the back because it was being covered by the middle plant. It seemed to help a lot. The middle plant seems to be dominating everything. I tried to reposition the front plant but the roots are too long and tangled. I didn't want to risk hurting it.

The runt is officially on life support. The PH adjustments have helped but it's very sad to look at. I'll keep nursing it.

The left plant seems to be doing fine, it's just a bit smaller. The spotting on the leaves has cleared up except for a few dots. The very bottom leaves were to damaged to recover.

Tomorrow I'll change the water, add fresh nutes and cross my fingers.

This is fun!

And for the pictures. Taken 5 minutes ago.


Lazy Eyes

Nute treatment for this week is:
10 gal of water
2 oz Sensi Bloom A
2 oz Sensi Bloom B
2 oz Big Bud

I also flipped on the CO2. The box will automatically regulate the CO2 injections while the light is on. It's supposed to maintain 1600ppm.


Lazy Eyes

Hell yeah!:clap: Looks good grower!

How tall are they?
Is the odor horribly strong?

At the tallest point, they're about 2 1/2 ft.

The odor is definitely noticeable in the room. Outside of the room, you can walk right up to the door and not smell anything. I keep the door shut and locked all day, windows wide open an a ceiling fan running. When I'm home and the door's open all day, it's not noticeable.

Lazy Eyes

Sunday I drained the tub and replenished the water with fresh nutes. This is the last week of nutes so I cut back on the additives.

1 oz Sensi Bloom A
1 oz Sensi Bloom B
.5 oz Big Bud

Time to prepare the new seeds.
Saturday night I prepared the 6 Big Bang & 6 Himalaya gold seeds and rockwool. I soaked the rockwool for 20 hours in PH balanced water. I also soaked the seeds in PH balanced water. It's been a little chilly so I covered the seeds and put them on a warming pad. By morning the seeds had all sunk and later in the afternoon a few of them had begun cracking. They're safely planted in the rockwool and warming in the veg chamber of the bloom box. If my timing is right, they should be ready to start flowering just as I harvest the Lowlife.

Almost forgot, the blue toothpicks are the Big Bang seeds.


eager apprentice

Well-Known Member
all i can say after having a look at your grow is - WOW!!!!!

Great work mate. Loving the look of your plants - the setup is awesome too

Lazy Eyes

all i can say after having a look at your grow is - WOW!!!!!

Great work mate. Loving the look of your plants - the setup is awesome too

I'm looking forward to those Big Bangs! Tomorrow I'll finish digging through your journal.

It's time for a beer and some PH maintenance. And more pictures...

