First Grow(stealth dresser) With g13fem Lockstock And Indian Skunk!!


not sure if you mentioned earlier in the thread or not how exactly did you end up making a good working door for the dresser im attempting a dresser stealth and can seem to get over this snag


Active Member
not sure if you mentioned earlier in the thread or not how exactly did you end up making a good working door for the dresser im attempting a dresser stealth and can seem to get over this snag
my door isnt perfect but i just cut a peice of 3/4" plywood to my dimensions and made sure it was square and added 2 hinges and it still didnt close all the way so i also secure it closed with a screw in each corner opposite of the hinges and it closes right up. i also used weather stripping to make sure it didnt leak dose this help?>


ya for the most part begining to think i should have waited to quit smoking cigarettes til after i was done tho lol


Active Member
Man that plant is sick awesome nice job man well trimmed.
ty for the positive feed back i trimm this damn thing everyday because the fan leaves are so thick but i only take sections of leaf off not the whole thing and i totally love the look of nothing on the bottom kinda looks like a short tree


Active Member
OK another update for all of you followers! I check on my plant today to see if i had signs of flowering since im now 2 days into the 12/12 and i noticed small preflowers starting to form and i even saw some tinytiny pistils so im pretty pumped i also trimed the crap out of the underbrush once again and its looking good. i didnt take any pics yet pecause my camera wont focus on the tiny areas to show you what im seeing but once they are big enough i will have pics up right away. I was also wondering if i should be saving my trimmings from now on since im flowering and producing thc. Hope to hear from you all soon!


Active Member
ya for the most part begining to think i should have waited to quit smoking cigarettes til after i was done tho lol
hehe yeah I would have gone crazy without cigs while building this ghetto dresser lol oh and another update lol i am in the process of building a new hanging light to replace the one i have now and i will be going from 6 23w cfs above at an angle to 8 23w cfls that will be horizontal so i will have more and better light output will post pics of the build for anyone that wants som ideas since i have seensome ghetto ass homeade fixtures made out of power strips and whatnot even though they work they are not for me they are way to flimsy and yes i did make one thank god it was only a waste of the plugs that convert to a socket


Well-Known Member
wow man that lock stock is nuts I run cfl also they do well you just have to know how to use them. and dont feel bad about the lack of post not a lot of people comment until they see buds just how it is. I had a journal that was 4 pages and I only had 3 different people post, so really dont feel bad more will come fore sure. as soon as the white hairs start popping out. also I would just stop trimming the under growth now that thing is going to start stretching soon and there will be plenty of room and trimming will just add unwanted stress. You don't want it to turn into a dude chick on you.


Active Member
wow man that lock stock is nuts I run cfl also they do well you just have to know how to use them. and dont feel bad about the lack of post not a lot of people comment until they see buds just how it is. I had a journal that was 4 pages and I only had 3 different people post, so really dont feel bad more will come fore sure. as soon as the white hairs start popping out. also I would just stop trimming the under growth now that thing is going to start stretching soon and there will be plenty of room and trimming will just add unwanted stress. You don't want it to turn into a dude chick on you.
yeah i figured i would give it a shot and keep this going since it isnt that much work but i will have pics of budding in the next couple days since i have already spotted some hairs but they arent big enough to take a pics of yet lol. and i think i will quit with my big trim sessions and let it focus on growing naturally for a while. Thanks for stopping by my thread svchop I see you giving pro advice all over this forum!


Well-Known Member
yeah i figured i would give it a shot and keep this going since it isnt that much work but i will have pics of budding in the next couple days since i have already spotted some hairs but they arent big enough to take a pics of yet lol. and i think i will quit with my big trim sessions and let it focus on growing naturally for a while. Thanks for stopping by my thread svchop I see you giving pro advice all over this forum!
I will stick around to see that. another suggestion I have is, it looks like some of your stems are resting on your medium thats not too good it could lead to stem rot as moisture between the stem and soil could be a breeding ground for molds. just loosen up some of those tie downs and it will come up. if this be comes a problem as far as height you could get some of these .. take tow of them make a cross and attach it to your pot so as you look down on it from above it looks like an X you can the tie you branches down to these. Your canopy is very dense and beautiful but if you open it up some you can gain a lot of bud sites, all of those side branches will become mini colas.


Active Member
I will stick around to see that. another suggestion I have is, it looks like some of your stems are resting on your medium thats not too good it could lead to stem rot as moisture between the stem and soil could be a breeding ground for molds. just loosen up some of those tie downs and it will come up. if this be comes a problem as far as height you could get some of these .. take tow of them make a cross and attach it to your pot so as you look down on it from above it looks like an X you can the tie you branches down to these. Your canopy is very dense and beautiful but if you open it up some you can gain a lot of bud sites, all of those side branches will become mini colas.
that sounds like an awsome idea im going to see if the local hardware store has any of these because ive been trying to figure out a way to get my branches off the soil right now im using 100%perilite on the top 1/2 to 1 inch of my pot but i still dont like that but these sticks would make tying alot easier and they would give way more support than the paperclips i am using atm. Might make it look cooler too and sorry for all of the run on sentences im a horible composer of words


Well-Known Member
that sounds like an awsome idea im going to see if the local hardware store has any of these because ive been trying to figure out a way to get my branches off the soil right now im using 100%perilite on the top 1/2 to 1 inch of my pot but i still dont like that but these sticks would make tying alot easier and they would give way more support than the paperclips i am using atm. Might make it look cooler too and sorry for all of the run on sentences im a horible composer of words
Eh its alright man. I have to force myself to capitalize my i's and use punctuation lol. I usually have to go back through after I'm done laying down what I want to say and edit spelling and everything else.


Active Member
Eh its alright man. I have to force myself to capitalize my i's and use punctuation lol. I usually have to go back through after I'm done laying down what I want to say and edit spelling and everything else.
I only edit if im trying to get a job or something but when im stoned and on here i feel it sometimes can be to stressfull to move my eyes to the top of the page to reread my nonsence typing. oh well the pistils are becomeing more pronounced today and it looks like i may have a pic up tomorrow at this rate oh well we will see


Well-Known Member
I only edit if im trying to get a job or something but when im stoned and on here i feel it sometimes can be to stressfull to move my eyes to the top of the page to reread my nonsence typing. oh well the pistils are becomeing more pronounced today and it looks like i may have a pic up tomorrow at this rate oh well we will see
cool cool as long as the bamboo chop sticks you have are longer than the pot I should work fine. but I'm sure there is an alternative, if it really comes down to it you could probably jut use a couple straight stick from out side just make sure you check for bugsfirst best way to go, if you go that route would be to cut a couple fresh live branches off of some tree best chance it wont have any pests on it but. might be best to not even chance it so I dunno go with your gut seems to be working for you so far.


Active Member
well im sorry i havent posted sooner but the pistils are coming in on just about every node on every branch now and they look nice and juicy but i cant take pics because i lost my memory card for the moment but i am looking for an alternative so hold onto your seats


Active Member
cool cool as long as the bamboo chop sticks you have are longer than the pot I should work fine. but I'm sure there is an alternative, if it really comes down to it you could probably jut use a couple straight stick from out side just make sure you check for bugsfirst best way to go, if you go that route would be to cut a couple fresh live branches off of some tree best chance it wont have any pests on it but. might be best to not even chance it so I dunno go with your gut seems to be working for you so far.
hi again i just remembered i should post my alternative to this idea. since i was to lazy to goto the store i came up with the idea of using broken plastic clothes hangers and took long straight sections and just stuck them straight into the dirt and am using them as permanant posts to tie my branches too and if i like i can always move them to better benefit the plant no hassel and it was free if anyone wants to steal this genius idea and use it for their own grow go right ahead i hope it works all i know is it easier than ever b4 to tye my plant and now i have infinite options i will have pics soon


hehe yeah I would have gone crazy without cigs while building this ghetto dresser lol oh and another update lol i am in the process of building a new hanging light to replace the one i have now and i will be going from 6 23w cfs above at an angle to 8 23w cfls that will be horizontal so i will have more and better light output will post pics of the build for anyone that wants som ideas since i have seensome ghetto ass homeade fixtures made out of power strips and whatnot even though they work they are not for me they are way to flimsy and yes i did make one thank god it was only a waste of the plugs that convert to a socket
here is an idea for ya for a light fixture not 8 lights but it gets the job done



for mine i went and bought the sockets you have to wire up and on it there is a metal bracket dont look like much but it holds it on there then i ran all my wire through the pipe gets quite tenuous but once i had it all toghter and everthing workin i instaqlled the double sockets and just bought the "T" piece i think 2 sizes bigger cut a spot to be able to spred it and snaped them over so my wires were hanging around askin me if i was ready to call the fire department lol