Can a plant have fleas????

Ok, I doubt they are fleas, but I'm hoping they arent a bad thing,,,,, which they probably are.

I'm a new grower on the first attempt.

I've noticed a few of these tiny dark little bugs. They're very fast and they fly. I havent noticed any leaf discoloration or damage as of yet and hope i am being paraniod and I dont have pets, unless you count my roomate.

They tend to hang out on top of the leaves. The ladies themselves are about 3 weeks into veg

I live in So Cal.

Sorry the description is limited and a little disjointed, but I am a new dad and only want whats best for my girls.

I have caught one,,, but they squish very easily. Kinda hard to tell what it is from a small black splat

Any help and advise is appreciated. Thank you in advance.
the usual reaction is spider mites, but they tend to hang on the bottom of the leaves
thats What I thought too, based on what i had read from other posts, but, they are definatly hanging out on the top, and its not many,,,, I only see one or two at a time. Should I maybe spray for mites just in case?


Active Member
Fleas no but your plants can get crabs, have your plants had unprotected sex lately?

all jokes aside it sounds like you should be bombing your room you got mites or gnats, sorry to hear it because it's a pain in the ass to deal with.
Yup, 99.9% sure theyre gnats. gonna go get some neem oil tomorrow after work, might pick up a little Diatomaceous Earth as well. Absolutly loving the idea of microscopic cuts on these little bastards. But sadistic streak aside,,,, makes sense to fight it mechanically and chemically.

or am I being too reactionary with the overkill?

I thank you guys(and/or gals) for your advice. May all of your budz be fat and your orgasms, toe curling


Active Member
I think you're good. the larvae are the real problem and using both will disrupt 2 stages of their life cycle. sounds like a win to me.