Near Harvest=Less water/nute uptake?


Well-Known Member
As i sit here hittin my wonderful homegrown papaya:joint:, grown with the help of everyone on RIU, i wonder the above question. When the plant is nearing the end of its life and is ready to or past harvest time, does it decrease its water intake? IN other words, do you notice a difference in watering frequency toward the end?

This seems to be the case, but I cant prove nething as i dont like keepin logs,even tho i kno i shuld.


Active Member
You know what they say: The older the plant gets, the less water you give it.

Especially when its near harvest.
Oh and stop giving nutes 2-3 weeks before harvest.


Well-Known Member
You know what they say: The older the plant gets, the less water you give it.

Especially when its near harvest.
Oh and stop giving nutes 2-3 weeks before harvest.
Actually i never heard of that..ive heard of letting the soil dry out before harvest, and i also know about witholding nutrients. What im wondering is does the plant NATURALLY take in less water as it near/past maturity