Cupping up & down & change of colour

I've grown 2 different strands from seed. One (Northern x BB) has lost its deep green colour and is turning a pale green and the leaves are curling up and down. The other strand is doing well with no problems They broke the soil 2 weeks ago so quiet small.

We are in the middle of a heat wave, do I water more or less? Fertise more or less, reduce light time? How do I fix it and bring it back to its former glory???


Active Member
I've grown 2 different strands from seed. One (Northern x BB) has lost its deep green colour and is turning a pale green and the leaves are curling up and down. The other strand is doing well with no problems They broke the soil 2 weeks ago so quiet small.

We are in the middle of a heat wave, do I water more or less? Fertise more or less, reduce light time? How do I fix it and bring it back to its former glory???[/QUOTE

Hi, Questions...In or out grow (sounds like out), frequency of watering currently, what nutrients are being used and how frequently currently, what foliar sprays or additives are being used?

If all the plants are new and you're getting yellowing and curling I'd say the roots are staying too wet. That will eventually drown them, first signs tho are yellowing leaves (lower ones first) The leaf will turn completely yellow, no veins or margins still green. Root zones ought to dry about half way out in general when plants have leaves, soil and, especially amended soils, hold moisture fairly well. Plants will respire (give off water/take up water) quicker when it's hotter, you can still over water tho when it's hot.
If the plants are being fed lots of Nitrogen or are being sprayed with some nitrogen rich foliar spray leaves may curl. Lots of things tho can make leaves curl...including heat.
Happy Gardening, GrowIT!:weed:


Active Member
Sorry forgot to say.... indoors! Does the same apply?
Yep, still probably is too frequent a watering pattern...unless you're doing something else you didn't mention...? Are you applying foliar sprays? Have an Ozone generator? Trying some of the urban legends like Super Thrive, VF-11 or other miracle in your mind products? Do you have the lights way too close?....
How often ARE you watering is really the question. Everyday would be WAY TOO MUCH. even for new plants that are planted in soil. (hydro is another story) However deep your roots are is the root zone, Dry that root zone out half way before you water again.
If you want to really know what your watering interval ought to be then 1st water them well then watch & wait. Each day look at the plant for signs of wilting beginning. When it finally does start to wilt note how many days it took and subtract one. That will be your watering pattern for the moment. As the plants grow larger the interval will change as they use water faster and the heat your having also forces them to respirate heavier and larger amounts of H2O & Nutrients. Sorry no simple answer really except when in doubt dry them out!
Mind you yellowing leaves can also indicate nutrient issues so what are you doing in that dept.? Still think water is the issue but I don't know much about your set up and care patterns.Happy Gardening! GrowIT!:weed:
Thanks for all the advice mate, I've pulled the light up, put the fan 4 feet above it to cool it down. I've backed off on the nuits and used water.

I've been giving it the same feeds as I would a clone, 3 x 10 sec feeds. Do I need to pull back?

The nuits I'm using are Dutchmaster A & B and Wormboster 42. No foliage sprays or ozone generator

Your advice has been greatly appreciated, anything else you can add now you have all the details? Its a prety simplistic set up but worked ok for the first lot.....


Active Member
Thanks for all the advice mate, I've pulled the light up, put the fan 4 feet above it to cool it down. I've backed off on the nuits and used water.

I've been giving it the same feeds as I would a clone, 3 x 10 sec feeds. Do I need to pull back?

The nuits I'm using are Dutchmaster A & B and Wormboster 42. No foliage sprays or ozone generator

Your advice has been greatly appreciated, anything else you can add now you have all the details? Its a prety simplistic set up but worked ok for the first lot.....
Hey you're welcome!
Are you growing in soil or some thing else? Does it drain and dry fast? The 3x feeds in soil everyday would be too much I think...the question you want to answer for yourself is are they staying wet and are they still mostly wet when you water the next time. IF so then yes back off on that water pattern. Like wise with feeding, New starts/clones will tolerate fairly high amounts of nutrients but again they are tender and too much of a good thing can overwhelm them. So going a bit lighter on the nutrients for the first few weeks is a good thing. A lot of starts can go a month using nothing but the food in their seed and the nutrient that's already in most commercial potting soils.
I cut all manufacturer recomendations in half to start then as the plants get larger I increase the dosages but rarely use the recomended dosages.
Everything else sounds good. I'd like to recomend a book if you don't already have it. Try to find a copy of Jorge Cervantes Medical Marijuana growing guide/Bible. Tons of great info in there. HE has a regular column on the High Times website too. Anyway good luck eh! Happy Gardening! GrowIT!:weed: