Xbox Live?

Chronic Connoisseur

Well-Known Member
get a ps3 an ill be happy to bust your ass in some mw2
No way man. the online community for xbox live is SOO much larger. Ps3 is ahead of its time. all the games these days are designed for xbox360, then they take it over to the ps3.

Xbox fanboy for sure!

add my GT Imm0rtaltecneek

0=zero.. lol


Well-Known Member
No way man. the online community for xbox live is SOO much larger. Ps3 is ahead of its time. all the games these days are designed for xbox360, then they take it over to the ps3.

Xbox fanboy for sure!

add my GT Imm0rtaltecneek

0=zero.. lol
lol man xbox sucks my shit broke like 4 times so I got a ps3.
I like all the ps3 exclusives better then the xbox's,the ps3 got way better graphics to.Plus the free online you cant beat that,and its not laggy like people say it is.I mainly use my ps3 for the internet browser though so I can stream movies to it from
The only xbox exclusive I really like is left for dead an halo.
I guess xbox does got better games that are out on both systems but I dont care because I only by a few games every year.
And the main games I play(madden an mw2)look better on ps3.


Im gonna add you two if thats cool.. ive been wondering if anybody on here gets down on MW2, ive been looking for people that arent douches lol kinda hard to find on xbox live.. My GT is XpliciT o420o :)


Active Member
Im gonna add you two if thats cool.. ive been wondering if anybody on here gets down on MW2, ive been looking for people that arent douches lol kinda hard to find on xbox live.. My GT is XpliciT o420o :)
cool with me dude

and 36"1080p LCD + xbox360 looks damn good


Well-Known Member
Xbox guy myself, although I am very upset with the consol itself. Ive had three so far, 2 have gotten open tray errors(which arent covered under warranty) and have also gotten the red ring of death on another. Its such a shitty feeling to smoke a blunt and get all pumped to pwn some noobs, turn on my box and... open tray error. Such a buzzzzzkill :(


Well-Known Member
Xbox guy myself, although I am very upset with the consol itself. Ive had three so far, 2 have gotten open tray errors(which arent covered under warranty) and have also gotten the red ring of death on another. Its such a shitty feeling to smoke a blunt and get all pumped to pwn some noobs, turn on ng off the front or it and stick box and... open tray error. Such a buzzzzzkill :(
lol my xbox's tray got fucked up to.
I had to rip that silver thing off the front thats connected to the tray and stick a flat head screw driver under it and push up and press the eject button at the same time lol and that would only work sometimes.

But I gotta question has anybody played Saints Row 2?
Im thinking about buying it,I wanna know if its good first.


lol my xbox's tray got fucked up to.
I had to rip that silver thing off the front thats connected to the tray and stick a flat head screw driver under it and push up and press the eject button at the same time lol and that would only work sometimes.

But I gotta question has anybody played Saints Row 2?
Im thinking about buying it,I wanna know if its good first.
IDk about saints row 2. But i can tell you that MAG kicks ass. You should totally buy it if you like online shooter games.


Active Member
i have 2 xbox's in 2 dif rooms, arcade and elite, the arcades disk drive went out and just wouldnt open anymore, so we sent it in, works great....(think they swapped it out completely), the elite on the other hand, the drive sticks sometimes, i can tap the xbox or tilt it slighty to a side, and it will open, thinkin maybe its unbalanced to begin with....but yeah thats the only probs ive ever had with them

saints row 2, never played it. I stick with the basics, rock band MW2 Halo3/ODST:hump:


Well-Known Member
i play mw2 and the new battlefield 2 add me to your friends its same name as on here howak47