Has Anyone had Germination Problems with Seeds from Attitude Lately?


Active Member
DNAs was couple of the freebe and they do fine, just the ones a person pays for auto have better sprouting ratio that average bag seed.


Active Member
I received 10 Hawaiian/skunk and one free dinafem road runner only 1 Hawaiian poped and is growing nicely. I normaly get a 70 % - 80 % germ rate easily seeds old ? Dont think ill try them again.:sad:


Active Member
what are the breaders that everyone is having trouble with?
Seedsman , But i think it was not the breeder but attitude i think they might keep and sell old stock but dont know i am going to stay away from seedsman


Well-Known Member
Seedsman , But i think it was not the breeder but attitude i think they might keep and sell old stock but dont know i am going to stay away from seedsman

ive germed old old old beans like 6 months in on a nasty computer desk in a open container old and got amazing ratio of poppers and females i unno i think its breeders honestly


Well-Known Member
Off course it would never be Attitude seed bank problemAAAA?[ They are never wrong, or would never push old stock to make a dollar Aaaaa! QUOTE=Unnk;3599616]ive germed old old old beans like 6 months in on a nasty computer desk in a open container old and got amazing ratio of poppers and females i unno i think its breeders honestly[/QUOTE]


Well-Known Member
If you can't get serious seeds to germinate it is either old stock or something you are doing, serious seeds are highly viable, and i have over 95% success rate with serious. I've also had a high success rate with seedsman but haven't touched any of their stuff for ages.

I'll just go chat to the owner of seedsman and see what he has to say on the subject

He's away from keyboard on msn atm, as soon as he bings me i'll let you know whats up.


Active Member
Ordered my first batch of Ak47 Lowryder & White Berry 12/20/09 for a hydro grow, hope they arrive from the Attitude! Ordered stealth with the coffee mug...paranoid? .......Ya just a bit especially ordering form mormon country.... fawk :( Will let ya know if they arrive!


Well-Known Member
Ordered my first batch of Ak47 Lowryder & White Berry 12/20/09 for a hydro grow, hope they arrive from the Attitude! Ordered stealth with the coffee mug...paranoid? .......Ya just a bit especially ordering form mormon country.... fawk :( Will let ya know if they arrive!
I'm sure you'll be fine, attitude seem to have a good record for getting seeds to the buyer


Well-Known Member
Off course it would never be Attitude seed bank problemAAAA?[ They are never wrong, or would never push old stock to make a dollar Aaaaa! QUOTE=Unnk;3599616]ive germed old old old beans like 6 months in on a nasty computer desk in a open container old and got amazing ratio of poppers and females i unno i think its breeders honestly

bag seed beans .... sigh why would i leave orders of seeds around


Well-Known Member
im not saying their never wrong im saying dont jump and automaticaly say its the bank thats all reliable breeders and a good germ process will help and old seeds will give you a odd germ rate, i dont know what they keep and dont keep, i dont work their, im just saying ive never had old beans NOT crack at all


Attitude used to be OK, They are now total Rip Off - Complete Thieves!

Their beans are crap, very low germination rates, they don't stand by their word and even if you pay for guaranteed delivery too bad if the order gets lost. "Guaranteed" means nothing to them!

I'll never do business with them again and advise others to go elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
thats the same post he put on another thread about attitude thast is almost 2 years old! and yet still just 18 posts.^^^
edit: just looked at all 18 (lol) of parsoned' posts and out of 18 posts all 18 of em were posts about how attitude sucks!!!???!!! and 14 out of 18 were cut and paste jobs!!! seems like there's a rat in the woodpile my friends! check it out for urself if ya don't believe it.


Well-Known Member
Just placed my 4th order with attitude and have had nothing but success with delivery and germination. They have a new freebie going on right now, just ordered mine along with a couple barneys farm LSD fems.


Active Member
I'm sure you'll be fine, attitude seem to have a good record for getting seeds to the buyer
Sure hope so, they still haven't arrived...read many positive reviews about the "TUDE" so I hope it goes through. :leaf: Will let ya know as soon as I get it or the "customs letter.":finger: