Just did my first clone. PICS. Help me out please!


I cut them on an angle, dipped them in the cloning formula, then inserted them into rockwool cubes with ph'ed water about 5.5.

Anything i should change up? I think i left too many leafs on them, is it too late to mess with them again? There in a fish tank right now with a flouro on top. I was wondering what my ph shoud be for my water when i mist them?

Any help is apreciated!!


Well-Known Member
cut the leaves in half....also they need vitamin B1...you can get this stuff called Superthrive..they sell it at most hardware stores....don't foilar feed them tho..you want to keep whatever you are trying to get them to root in pretty moist at all times


cut the leaves in half....also they need vitamin B1...you can get this stuff called Superthrive..they sell it at most hardware stores....don't foilar feed them tho..you want to keep whatever you are trying to get them to root in pretty moist at all times
sweet thanks for the help man.

how does this b1 work, do i just mix it with my water?

should i cut every single leaf in half? or just the ones that are making the clones tilt?


Active Member
Honestly, it looks good. I am new to the cloning process as well. You did pull them before you started flowering, and kept your light time the same, right?


Honestly, it looks good. I am new to the cloning process as well. You did pull them before you started flowering, and kept your light time the same, right?
i literally just cut them about an hour ago. Yea i had 3 extra plants, so i decided to clone them (purple urkle)...i plan on flowering the rest of them this weekend. So yes i did cut them before flowering.

i didnt scrape anything off when i cut the clones, is this neccesarry. Im talking about scraping off the bottom so its easier to root, all i did was a perpedicular cut.


Well-Known Member
sweet thanks for the help man.

how does this b1 work, do i just mix it with my water?

should i cut every single leaf in half? or just the ones that are making the clones tilt?
yep..cut em all..at this point they don't need to concentrate on anything but rooting...yeah you just mix it with water.(one drop per gallon)..


Well-Known Member
i literally just cut them about an hour ago. Yea i had 3 extra plants, so i decided to clone them (purple urkle)...i plan on flowering the rest of them this weekend. So yes i did cut them before flowering.

i didnt scrape anything off when i cut the clones, is this neccesarry. Im talking about scraping off the bottom so its easier to root, all i did was a perpedicular cut.
you should scrape a little from the side on the bottom..you just want to break the skin...are you using a rooting gel?..probably a stupid question but just making sure you got your bases covered


you should scrape a little from the side on the bottom..you just want to break the skin...are you using a rooting gel?..probably a stupid question but just making sure you got your bases covered
yea i forgot to do that, and yes i am using rooting gel. What i did was cut the stem with a 45 degree angle, then cut off a few stems on the sides, then dipped it quikly then stuck it in a rockwool cube that had been soaking in a 5.5 ph of water.



Well-Known Member
yea i forgot to do that, and yes i am using rooting gel. What i did was cut the stem with a 45 degree angle, then cut off a few stems on the sides, then dipped it quikly then stuck it in a rockwool cube that had been soaking in a 5.5 ph of water.

well..see what happens i guess...if they don't root within a couple weeks, just start over...i've always found that fucking something up the first time is a great way to learn..hehe.. but who knows..they might be fine..


well..see what happens i guess...if they don't root within a couple weeks, just start over...i've always found that fucking something up the first time is a great way to learn..hehe.. but who knows..they might be fine..
well i hope so!!:lol:...anyways...for lighting i should just leave them on for 24 hours right? and how far away should the light be away, im just using the flouro that came with the tank.


Well-Known Member
Clones like high humidity and regular misting. They cant take up anything as they have no roots so they can only get their moisture through the leaves. Use a humidity dome or the likes.