Extended Dark Peroid To Help Finish Flowering


Well-Known Member
Hey Erb, there was some discussion about this, I believe, (from memory) it was like the last 36 hours or so. I am not sure it this actually helps though.
If your concerned about getting a little blast in growth to your buds prior to harvest, better to try some blackstrap molasses instead.

Another twist on this is when going from vegging to flowering, I read to turn the lights off for two days, than go to your 12/12 and you'll be amazed, I havent tested this out yet, but I may.
"i havent tested this out but you will be amazed "
where do you get this crap man


Well-Known Member
Maybe his best fucking friend did it!!!!! what the fuck do u know "abudsmoker"??? you need to lay off man, he is FAR more knowledgeable than you are!!!! so I dont know if you are mad cuz of that or what?!

bty: I turned my lights out for 24hrs be4 12's and I saw pistils w/in less than a week, so plz, even if HE PERSONALLY did not do it, how do you know that he never saw the results of it..... YOU DONT!!!!! so please, quit bashing people cuz you are not a fucking GOD!!

GET A LIFE!!! and go bug your mom about weed or somethin, not only videoman


Well-Known Member
but then the question is should I go daily from 18 to 12 then wait until last week of flowering then drop daily again 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, cut or just drop straight to 8 in the last week.

i have run 18 veg then right over to 12 and leave them there. for more potient smoke flower longer days with great genetics. dont let your tricromes go dark amber. clear = weak cloudy= moderate deep amber= too late declining potency

the most important factor is to starve you girl and hold her out as long as possible......
in reality you will likely harvest early as do most growers due to being impatient this is the real limiting factor in potiency


Well-Known Member
Maybe his best fucking friend did it!!!!! what the fuck do u know "abudsmoker"??? you need to lay off man, he is FAR more knowledgeable than you are!!!! so I dont know if you are mad cuz of that or what?!

bty: I turned my lights out for 24hrs be4 12's and I saw pistils w/in less than a week, so plz, even if HE PERSONALLY did not do it, how do you know that he never saw the results of it..... YOU DONT!!!!! so please, quit bashing people cuz you are not a fucking GOD!!

GET A LIFE!!! and go bug your mom about weed or somethin, not only videoman
i dont think you have a clue what i know. nor am i at a point after 5 years to be giving advice on a illegal subject. and if the web masters here took more preventave steps to protect the users identy i would share more.

and im not here to be your friend. i get input on points and read them not mislead users and guests with thousands of untested misleading points.

do you really think 48 hours of dark is good..... i will tell you what happens to plants flowered under hps then subjected to sudden change in photo period stretch and STRESS with large colas on your plant your stems could just fold over after as little as 48 hours. i lost the bud below due to this factor. my bulb failed at the end of fridays cycle and caused a serge in power wasnt detected till monday morning and i lost a plants due to rubbery stems

now certainally you can look at that bud and clearly see NO orange hair so at 5.5 weeks of flower is your bud going to do this. probably not because you probably wont make 2 foot colas even @ 100 weeks of flower using alot of this off the wall videomanic UNTESTED processes he states.....

and yes put your girls through 48 hours of darkness and you will be amazed like videomanic says only not in a good way


Well-Known Member
i had an outdoor garden. had about a week or 2 to go. landlord was on the roof so i had to move the plants inside my house for 2 days. they died. all the leaves turned BLACK and wilted. these were 3, 5' tall indicas. apperently a 75 watt light bulb does nothing. i would not recommend going less then 10 hours of light in a 24 hour cycle. this is just my opinion based on the natural light cycle of the planet.


Well-Known Member
werent we talking about and extended dark period at the time of switching to 12's???

video's post:
Another twist on this is when going from vegging to flowering, I read to turn the lights off for two days, than go to your 12/12 and you'll be amazed, I havent tested this out yet, but I may.

so, if you have colas when you switch to 12/12, Im guessing you know a little more than I do,,, can you explain how to get colas in the 24hr light periods?? teach me!!

chronic luka

Well-Known Member
haha, i'm baked as hell and this thread kept me thoroughly entertained! Sucks about your top cola falling off.. did it smoke alright atleast?


Well-Known Member
so has everyone just heard that 2 days dark before 12/12 is a good thing or has someone actually tried it with a positive result ?


New Member
bad thing. plants thrive on light... it makes sense then that if you give them less light then they won't produce as much bud.

I actually do things the opposite way round. I give my plants more light. Flowering is genetic, so long as they are getting enough dark (most strains 11 hours) they will continue to flower regardless. I like to give mine 12h 45mins of light from about half way through the flower stage.

There are certain strains that will flower quite happily on just 9 hours dark. More light equals more bud, fact. Study your strain, they all have variances.


Active Member

Another twist on this is when going from vegging to flowering, I read to turn the lights off for two days, than go to your 12/12 and you'll be amazed, I havent tested this out yet, but I may.

Indeed this is true 24 -36 hours on dark is enough to stimulate the girls and speed up bud production. Can reduce flower period upto a week + 1/2.

tricky bit is timing, work out the lights to run through the night.:joint:


New Member
Another twist on this is when going from vegging to flowering, I read to turn the lights off for two days, than go to your 12/12 and you'll be amazed, I havent tested this out yet, but I may.
Indeed this is true 24 -36 hours on dark is enough to stimulate the girls and speed up bud production. Can reduce flower period upto a week + 1/2.

tricky bit is timing, work out the lights to run through the night.:joint:

It's bullshit... as I've said, a certain amount of dark is all they need. So if the strain only needs 9 hours, by giving it 12 you aren't speeding anything up. The plant still needs to photsynthesise to grow and mature. Light is the most important thing, give as little dark as possible.

How does it reduce the flower period by up to a week? When my seed plants go into flower they are already budding. All putting a seed plant too early into flower does is add more time to the maturity of the plant. Much better to keep it under 24/0 until it preflowers, you'll just wait longer when it's in flower and only getting 12 hours light, or in your case none at all for the for the first 36 hours.

To age, a plant needs to photosynthesise... period, or should that be photo-period. :hump:


Active Member
Question for skunkkushy - Do you wait for plant to show signs of flower - answer - NO,,, Photoperiodic , stimulated to produce flowers when there is a reduction in light.

Therefor - Although the plant stops photosynthesising, they still respire, using oxygen, the plant still grows, when the light is resumed at 12/12 the plant contains mass stimulus. This natural stimulant can only be produced in 100% darkness.
British Horticulture you dim s.p.a.m.:spew:


New Member
Question for skunkkushy - Do you wait for plant to show signs of flower - answer - NO,,, Photoperiodic , stimulated to produce flowers when there is a reduction in light.

Therefor - Although the plant stops photosynthesising, they still respire, using oxygen, the plant still grows, when the light is resumed at 12/12 the plant contains mass stimulus. This natural stimulant can only be produced in 100% darkness.
British Horticulture you dim s.p.a.m.:spew:
Do you even know what I'm talking about?

Do you wait for plant to show signs of sex or 'pre-flower' before placing into flower? Answer, yes.

Flowering may well be down to a hormone that is built up during the darkness hours, and destroyed by light... but certain strains will only require a certain amount of darkness hours to build this hormone. Therefore, if a strain can flower in just 9 hours dark, then you should give a dark period more suitable to the strain. Like 10 hours... giving it any more will not cause the plant to flower any quicker, as flowering is genetic.

skunkushybrid weed knowledge. Dickhead.


Well-Known Member
this is hugely instructive. I had been thinking that the dark period...however long it was supposed to be, could be the "stimulus" to flower, but by this info, the plant will preflower when it does, and cannot be induced....so it really then comes down to having to wait forthe preflower, and then putting into 12/12 or whatever is the best preference for your particular strain......hmmm.....I'm sure there will be continued debate, but thanks for this.


New Member
this is hugely instructive. I had been thinking that the dark period...however long it was supposed to be, could be the "stimulus" to flower, but by this info, the plant will preflower when it does, and cannot be induced....so it really then comes down to having to wait forthe preflower, and then putting into 12/12 or whatever is the best preference for your particular strain......hmmm.....I'm sure there will be continued debate, but thanks for this.
Excellent clarification tahoe, thankyou.

The plant needs to photosynthesise to mature into a point where it can adequately build the hormone. Suddenly putting a plant on 12/12 before this event is often why people are having to wait 2 weeks to see pre-flowers. The answer to this is simple, the plant needs more light and is not yet mature enough to flower. So you are waiting for the plant to mature with much less light.

When my plants go into flower they have pistils or pre-flowers already and start flowering straight away.