my first grow in hydro


Well-Known Member
hi all this is my first atempt to grow in hydro i have got a 16 pot willma i have just started today with 12 clones and 4 plants thats already in veg that the clones came from i have already super cropped the 4 veg plants witch i intend on doing again to slow them down a bit hopefully the clones will start to catch them up abit i am growing with canna aqua nutes and useing there info of there site i have a 2x2x2 meter tent a 6" ruck fan a can filter plus a 400w and 600w hps light useing the flood and drain drippers for feeding witch i have set to 10 min 4 times aday (every 6 hr) also i have made a co2 bottle plus useing co2 tablets in my nutes temps are at 72 hum is at 55% only useing the 400w for the veg i have been told thay are blue dragon?



Well-Known Member
hi all this is my first atempt to grow in hydro i have got a 16 pot willma i have just started today with 12 clones and 4 plants thats already in veg that the clones came from i have already super cropped the 4 veg plants witch i intend on doing again to slow them down a bit hopefully the clones will start to catch them up abit i am growing with canna aqua nutes and useing there info of there site i have a 2x2x2 meter tent a 6" ruck fan a can filter plus a 400w and 600w hps light useing the flood and drain drippers for feeding witch i have set to 10 min 4 times aday (every 6 hr) also i have made a co2 bottle plus useing co2 tablets in my nutes temps are at 72 hum is at 55% only useing the 400w for the veg i have been told thay are blue dragon?
You grow better than you punctuate. TIP? Add a comma or something! That was very difficult to read.


Well-Known Member
ok thought i would share some pic's
as there was not alot to say about the veg, i think it was a mistake to have 2 sizes of plant lol as the small one's didn't catch up, i have switched to 12/12 about 3 day's ago, the larger one's are about 3ft tall and the small one's about 18" or so,
useing 2 400 hps at 2 levels, but thay seem to be doing ok, the stalks on the larger plants are about 2.5" thick
what do you think?



Well-Known Member
ok thay are 3.5 weeks in to 12/12 now and seem to be doing ok. i have backed the nutes of abit as it was at 1685 ppm, i gave it a tank change and it is now at 950ppm, 5.8 ph, there is a slight nute burn on the very tips of the fan leaves, but all is ok.
i am still useing cana a+b, cana boost, useing 50 ml of boost for every 20l of water.
all comments welcome.



Well-Known Member
ok thay are 3.5 weeks in to 12/12 now and seem to be doing ok. i have backed the nutes of abit as it was at 1685 ppm, i gave it a tank change and it is now at 950ppm, 5.8 ph, there is a slight nute burn on the very tips of the fan leaves, but all is ok.
i am still useing cana a+b, cana boost, useing 50 ml of boost for every 20l of water.
all comments welcome.
Nice set up. What strain? or did i miss that?


Well-Known Member
thay are blue dragon, on my next grow i am going to use 2, 8 pot systems so thay will have more room, and try 2 differant nutes, to see whitch is the best


Well-Known Member
I would definately flush (with FloraKleen) for a full day. Set it to flood about 10 times during that day. Then go back to nutes with the ripen recipe. You're close to the end, but far enough away that any nute lock-out now will fuck it all up.


Well-Known Member
I would definately flush (with FloraKleen) for a full day. Set it to flood about 10 times during that day. Then go back to nutes with the ripen recipe. You're close to the end, but far enough away that any nute lock-out now will fuck it all up.
cheers bud