Lights ON During DARK Cycle?


1000W light came on for less than one minute, 8hours into the 12 hour dark cycle. On week 8 of 9-10.

Is this going to cause problems? What would you do?

I appreciate any advice. Peace

Mr Bomb

Active Member
1000W light came on for less than one minute, 8hours into the 12 hour dark cycle. On week 8 of 9-10.

Is this going to cause problems? What would you do?

I appreciate any advice. Peace
It is possible but unlikely that your plants could herm on you. Just continue your normal light cycle and watch closely for any signs of male attributes on your plant. As long as you make sure this doesn't happen again you should be fine.:leaf:


It is possible but unlikely that your plants could herm on you. Just continue your normal light cycle and watch closely for any signs of male attributes on your plant. As long as you make sure this doesn't happen again you should be fine.:leaf:
Well I have the same problem, but I'm a week out from harvest. Left the lights on a little longer, like THREE WHOLE DARK CYCLES longer. I've got some leaf burning, and noticed that the trichs stopped developing. Is there anyway to regenerate them (the trichs) or did i just stick my green thumb up my ass?!

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Your plant will start to generate more pistols after the initial shock goes away,sometimes a week before they recover.Dont do that again you will be lucky not hermie.Keep a check for hermies in the late stages..peace


i have left my lights on the entire dark cycle before with no hermie
So should I push harvest back an extra week, since I was planning to pull next week, or just go ahead and harvest and just make sure I don't jack with the lights again