No fillibuster for Repukes.Talks move forward


Well-Known Member
And where would these companies aquire the funds to advance technology, find new cures? If they never made any profit, they would have never made any progress.
since when do the insurance companies conduct research - except legal research of course, the mf's


Well-Known Member
Look Jack, there will be a tax for single payer, that's a given. With all the money the government saves on you young healthy guys, they will invest in technology and medical innovation. They already do in grants to universities where most new things are found. Profits mainly go to shareholders and overpaid CEOs.
So all the money that I pay in, without ever receiving any care, is going to offset the costs of those who need care? What happens when more healthy people need that care, and the government can't afford it? You don't think they are going to ration care?


New Member
As long as you get what you want, you don't care about what the majority of Americans want.
The thing is jack, the majority of Americans want a comprehensive overhaul of the medical system. The trouble is, this is a shit bill, but it is better than doing nothing. Untill they cut off the money going to the big corps. and actually give it to the healthcare providers, like doctors and hospitals, nothing will really change. It's the golden rule. Those insurers stand to get 40+ million forced pay new customers. That is what I find reprehensible.


Well-Known Member
The thing is jack, the majority of Americans want a comprehensive overhaul of the medical system. The trouble is, this is a shit bill, but it is better than doing nothing. Untill they cut off the money going to the big corps. and actually give it to the healthcare providers, like doctors and hospitals, nothing will really change. It's the golden rule. Those insurers stand to get 40+ million forced pay new customers. That is what I find reprehensible.
So knowing our country is already in debt up to it's eyeballs, from the same politicians you support, you don't mind taking a shit bill and passing it? If we're going to fix our healthcare, why not do it right from the beginning, instead of creating a government beaurocracy that will only deepen our debt.
I disagree, It is the runaway profit of the insurance companies that make it so expensive. We have the technology to be used for profit by rich or well off patients, but there is a huge disparity between insured and not. There needs to be medical for the masses, thats where single payer rules. What it boils down to is the same tired thing, Class warfare, the haves against the have nots.
Absolutely wrong again. Runaway profits? Since when do we determine how successful a business should be? What about the cell phone industry runaway profits. Apple stock is doing good, are their profits runaway? If I had invested in gold a year ago would that have been runaway profits? Costco? IBM? Goldman Sachs? OK strike that last one...But where do you stop? what is runaway, anyway? The real pigs at this trough are the lawyers. Medical malpractice insurance is through the roof because of the endless string of lawsuits claiming malpractice. Product liability is about the same issue. If you limit pain and suffering awards to a reasonable amount in relation to the damages claim, you go a long way to lowering the costs of health-care. $100 million award for leaving a sponge in a guy, the lawyer gets about $35 million, the gov't gets about $35 million, the guy with the sponge gets about $30 million which he immediately pisses away. He keeps the sponge on a shelf at home, and the doctor is driven out of business and turns into an alcoholic. In a bout of depression he goes to the local watering hole and kills three people while driving home drunk. OK maybe not all that, but the only real discernable winner here is the lawyer, who gets a new jet. Fear of malpractice leads to unnecessary tests, and procedures, not to determine medical necessity of treatment, but to cover the doctors ass if he misses something. In our litigious society, the cost of doing any business is increased exponentially depending on the risk involved.

Shakespeare said it best. Kill the lawyers first..

Just one man's opinion...:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Government money is taxpayer money. A government grant is tax payer money. Is that so hard to understand?
do you complain when you drive on a road that tax pay for...what about the you use the post office???? you say you nevr went to a public you homeschool for 12 years ????