Bubblelicious CFL first grow in speaker growbox (photos)


Well-Known Member
I bought some rolling paper and today i tryed to smoke the leaves that i`ve cutted cuz they were shading everything and were too big ... 2 small joints and i was damn... if leaves can make me feel allright then how it will be with flowers? :D
and yeah i bought yesterday SCHULTZ BLOOM PLUS for about 7$ and some water sprayer for 1$ and 2 packs of rolling paper for about 0.30$ each :)

mr west

Well-Known Member
lol, smoking leafs wont really get u high but it is a buzz thats quite tastey if u aint got anything else to smoke. Ur plants are starting to bud at last, bet that feels good?


Active Member
how come your plants wer so small for a month What Was You Doing To Them At A Month Well 20 Days It Should Atleast Have 5 Sets Ov Leafs.And Whys It So Stetched If Ya Had A Pet You Find Out About Them First You Should Have Done Some Research Mate I Hate People Who Cant Grow Like Your Self Thats Why The World Got So Much Crap Weed Going Around Get A New Hobby Bitch.And Clean Ya Grow Area You Tramp.


Well-Known Member
go fuck yourself hater!... she seems stretched only cuz i cutted huge amount of big fan leaves because i dont have enough space for them.... growing space isnt dirty... it only looks ugly cuz i dont invest in this box any more money but i will build some much better box and put some great stuff in there after this grow!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi all.... i have decided that in the next grow i`ll be growing some of the autoflowers cuz i dont have enought space to grow something bigger :D ... and they are groeing faster too :D :D .... buds are still very small but they are pretty hairy :D ....
i took a clone from the lowest branche which isnt flowering and there wouldnt grow anything to smoke .... lets see if something will grow from that :D and 1 of the small buds is a bit yellow ... but only that one because it touched the speaker from inside and it is a bit damaged but i now placed the pot correctly so none of buds are pressed to walls or something :D .... and yeah shes streched :wall: but its my first grow and lights were putted too high at the end cuz this box sucks.... next box will be perfect :D .... and i bended the top of the plant cuz i dont have left much space in the box.... i hope ill get at least 20 grams at the end.... how much could i get with 3x27w cfl`s ??? :D



Well-Known Member
:clap:that dude was just bein a deuche you will learn and i bet your next plant wont be so stretched.lookin good,your plant would really enjoy some elbow room and a breeze from time to time tho.


mr west

Well-Known Member
I grew some diesel ryders for my second grow. Ideal if u aint got much space. If u lucky u will get the grapefruit pheno that smells like fresh cut pink grapefruit in flower. Heres a pic of min at 9 weeks from seed.



Well-Known Member
high all.... there are some new pics ;) :D ... i lollipoped my plant and it really got that boost i wanted for the upper buds ;) :D
anyway good stuff we smoked 2 ppls 1 small joint and my friend laughted 2 hours from my stuff :D



Active Member
Hehe cool :)
If you got crystals on leaves, i wonder how my plant will look at flowering culmination. What flowering week your plant is into?