How Do I 'Break' a Plant?


I have some Sativa dominant plants that (through some poor planning on my part) I waited to long to turn to flower. These babies stretch like Mr. Fantastic. I remember reading some time back where someone was talking about breaking their plant in order inhibit growth.

If I understand correctly what I read, then I let the plants grow as high as my area will allow them to get. Then I gently break the top of the stalk...but not so much so that it breaks off or anything....and that this will effectively stop the growth of the central stalk.

If this is correct, then I guess I could presumably do it to any branch of the plant that was getting out of control then too eh?

Am I on the right track here, or am I loopy. Give it to me straight! :lol:



Well-Known Member
you cant do that. your best bet would be going doown to the next available node and topping it. or top it wherever you need to, this will make it smaller. is that what you want to do? make it smaller?


Well-Known Member
no dont do this. breaking your plant will stress it out and stop it from devolping its bud sites this early on in flower. if the tops are growing to tall the do some lsting and strap the tops down to the needed level.any prunning or cutting you plan on doing should be done before flower is brought on and breaking branches is never good.....


Active Member
shoney45...the method you are talking about is called "super cropping".

Lots of info on this site about it.

Basically you pinch a branch to break or soften the fibers then gently bend it at the pinch.

I've been reading alot about this but have been to chicken/lazy to try it myself.

It's better if you do it before you go into flower - then you get the added benefit of extra bud sites - but you can totally do it now just to keep branches low.

Do a search...i just read a long thread in advanced marijuana cultivation. The guy who posted totally preferred supercropping over LST.

Good Luck!


you cant do that. your best bet would be going doown to the next available node and topping it. or top it wherever you need to, this will make it smaller. is that what you want to do? make it smaller?
I don't want to necessarily make it smaller. They have about eight more weeks of flower left to finish. They will out grow their grow area before that time though. So when they get as big as my area will let them, I want to stop them from getting any bigger than they will be at that point.

The consensus is universal that breaking is a bad idea. I was hoping to be able to avoid chopping off the top of the plant. I guess I will tie the plants down first. My area isn't all that big though, and I am worried about the plants over-taking the grow area. So if it gets too hectic, then I can chop off the tops I suppose.


Active Member
I have some Sativa dominant plants that (through some poor planning on my part) I waited to long to turn to flower. These babies stretch like Mr. Fantastic. I remember reading some time back where someone was talking about breaking their plant in order inhibit growth.

If I understand correctly what I read, then I let the plants grow as high as my area will allow them to get. Then I gently break the top of the stalk...but not so much so that it breaks off or anything....and that this will effectively stop the growth of the central stalk.

If this is correct, then I guess I could presumably do it to any branch of the plant that was getting out of control then too eh?

Am I on the right track here, or am I loopy. Give it to me straight! :lol:

IMHO, I would BEND it down to lower the growth hormone in the tallest tip to a level below the nearest set of branches. This forces more branching and will stunt growth with out breaking what will be one of your biggest colas! Use green plastic garden tape and gently tie the tallest tip and anchor it bent for about two weeks or longer.
I have 'broken down' outdoor plants to limit peripheral branches heights but never primary tips, those get bent. Breaking down just means to bend and put a kink into a branch without breaking the fluid conducting veins altogether. It forces branching too but sometimes damages branches too much and you lose them. So....bend'em! Happy Gardening! GrowIT!:weed::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: