flowering or not

chronic Joe

hey i have a few plants outside and they all have pistils all over for a few weeks now, I have what feels like little balls starting on the tops on some, almost like tight little balls of leaf is this bud starting to form or just me being paranoid, also one plant hasnt started assymetrical branching on the top but has it on side branches( this is one of the ones with the tight ball forming on the top) do plants have to go to assymetrical branching and can it happen later on into flowering, any replies greatly appreciated.:?:

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
well if there are pistils then it's female. If there are balls also maybe a hermie. Let it go a bit to be sure before pulling. Pics would help to verify male or female.

chronic Joe

this is for sure female(feminized seeds) the ball like thing is the tops, it feels like a small bud tight and compact, just trying to find out for sure if im flowering or preflowering.

chronic Joe

they have shown hairs for two weeks now and im 99% sure they're not hermies, just wanted to kow if anyone has ever felt the little tight ball like sign that im referring too on their tops also, feels like bud. this is my first grow but have lived with a fellow grower for two years and know what indoor works like but never seen outdoor, this is a first for me the signs im used to looking for are harder to see. oh and every says indoor is hard, which may be the case but for me i find this way harder as i've never seen outdoor and dont know when the plants stages change as in light cycles and so on, any substantial help would be great, thanks for your opinion northeastern lights but i think your misreading my ?'s.

chronic Joe

about the alternating i have five of the same strain and the other four all are alternating and have been for a week and a half or so, could one be delayed.