1000w BarneysFarm Red Diesel


Well-Known Member
Hey just catch'n up with ya grow mate.

What a fucking pissa about the hermie.
Hopefully the other 2 aren't to affected.

Those others look great though dude, beautiful colas.
I think the topped one will yield more for sure, it's all bud from top to bottom.

All the best.


Well-Known Member
had to feed so i decided to snap some pics, the first close up is untopd then the toppd one, my "veg room" is kinda full right now, im at my max # of plants 7(totaly uncool i know) but i will be choping the 2 in my flower room within a couple weeks, trichs seem to be at about 10%? just judging by the few spots i checked..:peace:



Well-Known Member
oh yeah?? that is good timing then.. bongsmilie how far out do you think you are?? im banking on a week.. maybe 2.. till i chop down my girls
well it will be 8 weeks this tuesday, and i think that will prolly be the last time i feed, then ill prolly just watch for the trichs to change mostly amber/or chop 1 at 9 weeks and the other at 10, dunno still thinking about it, but i know its comming soon:leaf:


Well-Known Member
well it will be 8 weeks this tuesday, and i think that will prolly be the last time i feed, then ill prolly just watch for the trichs to change mostly amber/or chop 1 at 9 weeks and the other at 10, dunno still thinking about it, but i know its comming soon:leaf:

Your finishing up with the rest of us....gonna be lots of good smoke around during the next cycle:clap:



Well-Known Member
there really is about 5 or 6 of us now who are harvesting at the same time.. just means a lot of reports on a lot of different strains... :)


Well-Known Member
Looking nice meng. Its about a few more weeks til i chop my girls down as well. The kush is looking mighty fine! Looks dank cant wait to see the end


Well-Known Member
alright mo fuckas:bigjoint:...i known i said i wanted to cut 1 at 9 and another at 10 weeks but.....shit happends, both were cut on day 60 flower(10 days superflushing)...while cuttin these girls i was overwelmed with dankness, i can smell some grapefruit in the toppd plant....overall i am totally stoked with this harvest....btw the main colas on the toppd plant were about 25-35g. wet each, and the toppd plants was like 48g. wet, didnt weight everything yet gonna wait a couple weeks...thinking like 2 1/2 oz dry...well see:peace:



Well-Known Member
hell ya.. should give you some fire smoke bro!! cant wait to find out the final weight.. i just started cutting down and trimming my girls myself.. its a bit earlier than i wanted to also.. but due to deadlines i have to keep i couldnt wait any longer.. the largest cola i cut so far has weighed 2.7 ounces wet... i have NO idea what to expect total dried weight to be.. but im guessin close to 2 1/4 lbs.. anyways.. your buds look tasty as fuck.. let us know how they end up!


Well-Known Member
alright guys just dropping by to say smoked some of the RD and its very fruity, found a couple undeveloped seeds tho...also for the first time in my life i went to a book store and i actually bought a book, jorge cervantes..looks like a good read to mebongsmilie, will be back with final dry weight in another couple days:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
alright guys just dropping by to say smoked some of the RD and its very fruity, found a couple undeveloped seeds tho...also for the first time in my life i went to a book store and i actually bought a book, jorge cervantes..looks like a good read to mebongsmilie, will be back with final dry weight in another couple days:blsmoke:
that is a good book.. i have about 4 or 5 reference books.. and thats still my favorite one.. it was written a long time ago... so not everything in it is still 100% accurate... but it still contains a SHIT load of good info.. good choice bro!

the RD sounds good.. i was lookin at gettin seeds and tryin it out sometime.. think its worth peepin out??


Well-Known Member
that is a good book.. i have about 4 or 5 reference books.. and thats still my favorite one.. it was written a long time ago... so not everything in it is still 100% accurate... but it still contains a SHIT load of good info.. good choice bro!

the RD sounds good.. i was lookin at gettin seeds and tryin it out sometime.. think its worth peepin out??
honestly bro, its a mix between two awsome strains, Cali-indica and NYC Diesel... and as good as my harvest turned out i KNOW it could be better, still smells grapefruity and has a smooth hash like taste, i think if a experienced grower like yourself grew this strain it would be a top shelf smokers favorite (im not the best grower but i blaze ALOT of budah):peace:


Well-Known Member
honestly bro, its a mix between two awsome strains, Cali-indica and NYC Diesel... and as good as my harvest turned out i KNOW it could be better, still smells grapefruity and has a smooth hash like taste, i think if a experienced grower like yourself grew this strain it would be a top shelf smokers favorite (im not the best grower but i blaze ALOT of budah):peace:
Don't sell yaself too short Bubloni.
Your smokin your own buds, and they look pretty darn good mate.
That books a good'n.
Nothing better than reading up about growing weed ;)
Sure there's some good bedtime stories in there lol.


Well-Known Member
honestly bro, its a mix between two awsome strains, Cali-indica and NYC Diesel... and as good as my harvest turned out i KNOW it could be better, still smells grapefruity and has a smooth hash like taste, i think if a experienced grower like yourself grew this strain it would be a top shelf smokers favorite (im not the best grower but i blaze ALOT of budah):peace:
knowing that there is room for improvment just gives you that much more of a drive to grow better ya know.. and hell, at least you have some fire buds to smoke.. thats more than most people can say.. .ive seen a lot of shitty grows.. you have NOTHING to feel bad about.. your buds look good and smoke good.. cant ask for much more than that right!?!


Well-Known Member
knowing that there is room for improvment just gives you that much more of a drive to grow better ya know.. and hell, at least you have some fire buds to smoke.. thats more than most people can say.. .ive seen a lot of shitty grows.. you have NOTHING to feel bad about.. your buds look good and smoke good.. cant ask for much more than that right!?!
Word...... :peace: