Possible grow area


Ok, so in order to keep my indoor grow going, i was thinking about turning this area in my bathroom into a grow room for 2 (max) plants.

Underneath the sink there is an Completely free area where i am planning on installing 2 lights underneath. Think this is a terrible idea?

The only worry i was thinking about is the possibility too much humidity which is why we have a dehumidifier i can easily use.

EDIT: Oh and i am planning on having them grow completely under 12/12 because i do not want them to grow too large.


Well-Known Member
Is there a wall in there on the sides? Or are those just fake walls? Try knocking them down for more room.


Is there a wall in there on the sides? Or are those just fake walls? Try knocking them down for more room.
Didn't see this when i had posted earlier, yeah there are walls there, and im not trying for more room, this is going to be somewhat of a stealth grow. in an hour or two ill post a pic of the mostly finished grow area.