My attic grow room construction


Well-Known Member
Can we see a picture or two, busy bryant?
Hey Fureelz. Yeah, things have been busy. Work is finaly starting to pick up, which is great. And the garden is gettting to be full time job. But it has been very fun. My cloing is coming along good, 100% success rate. I've just learning not to mess with them for the first week. And no portable A/C unit needed yet! I just have to make sure my house stays at 70 during the day. I'll try and post some pics tonight.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Glad the work picked back up for you man

Sounds like your garden is looking good over there man cant wait to see the pics ............. its always fun learning hands on. Happy you had some time to hit us up with a update.


Good to hear long are ya lookin at until you see some finished product?


Well-Known Member
Glad the work picked back up for you man

Sounds like your garden is looking good over there man cant wait to see the pics ............. its always fun learning hands on. Happy you had some time to hit us up with a update.
Hey Nugs. Yeah, it picked up alittle bit. But I feel like a used car sales man trying to work in the door. Not used to doing that. But it is nice have work to do. Yeah, the garden was fun, LOL. It still is. The schedual is getting anoying. Lights come on at 9pm. So my main time with the plants is at that time. And the water is getting to be a bitch. I still don't know if I'm going to do the sink or not. Too much chance for a water leak issue. We'll see how it goes.

Good to hear long are ya lookin at until you see some finished product?
I guess Some time around July 10-11. I will have 12 coming out. Then 6 every 2 weeks. I will have a little bit of a lag since I really can't fit anymore in there. I too many in there as is. 24 is alot for one 600 watt HPS. Might take it down to 5 at a time. I don't know yet, we'll see how this first crop goes.

I have room, so I would like to get a 1000 watt at some point, I think I'll wait till late fall for that. The temps have been holding steady, 85 was the high today. I only keep my exhaust fan with the carbon filter for 10 min. every hour. I have another fan hooked up to the intake for the flower room to get cool air in there. That has helped alot. The exhaust fan with the carbon filter was sucking too much of the cool air out of the room. The veg area was allways fine. So if I make it past July, I know I will not need a portable AC unit.

I tossed a pic of the curtain up. The zipper was not light tight, so I tape a flap over and put velcro strips to seal it up. It worked really well.

On the flower room pic, the 6 on either end are on their 5th week this week. The bud shots are of that stage. The 2 center rows are at 3 weeks, and 1 week.

I have 2 differnt pheno types. One gets taller, and the node spacing is spread far apart. The other type stays nice and bushy. And the node spacing is nice and tight. We'll see which ones smokes better and gets a better yeild. I would like to just stay with one type. I'm still trying to figure out which works best for my type of grow, topping or not topping. There are some in the middle rows that are not topped.

Enjoy the pics.




Damn man thats lookin really professional....good work! I bet both phenos will be great considering the conditions they are in..Looks like cloning is going well for you seeing how youre going to need more brown foam things (i call them) soon..I have become used to the rockwool and find it so much easier to control moisture levels..gotta have the dome and the heat mat for sure..have ya seen my od for this year yet? just updated today.


Well-Known Member
looking good. time fly's when your having fun....I'm almost done with the room.

I am wondering if I need to put my single exhaust fan (434 CFM centrifugal) that filters that air and cools the light, on a thermistor or run constant. If I don't run constant I need to put an inline fan on the supply to the room which is a 7" insulated duct from the central ac and set it to run in intervals.

any suggestions?


New Member
I don't think you'll need the portable ac. I modeled my attic grow off of yours and it was a 100 degrees outside today and my room stayed under 80 with my ac vent pretty much closed in my room. Anyways I want to thank you for making this thread it helped me figure out what I needed for mine. I got a 1000 watt in my room I thought it would make things to hot but with the ac vent in there if its open the room stays cooler then the rest of my house. anyways here are some pics of my room while I was constructing it.

this is the insulation I did

this is a ac vent that i rerouted to the room

This is the room just before it was done

Anyways thanks again!


New Member
Oh and if you feel like your going to have water leaks I put put pond liner down on the floor. I could flood my room with 2 feet of water and not have to worry about it leaking the stuff is strong and it has a lot of give so its really hard to rip it.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if you guys are familiar with the user SOG...

But he's got a kick ass attic grow just starting...

Here are his links...

My Journal - SoG Grow Room Op
(pictures last updated on 5-22-09)
SoG Grow Room Discussion Here
SoG Albums Here
:leaf: Peace :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Damn man thats lookin really professional....good work! I bet both phenos will be great considering the conditions they are in..Looks like cloning is going well for you seeing how youre going to need more brown foam things (i call them) soon..I have become used to the rockwool and find it so much easier to control moisture levels..gotta have the dome and the heat mat for sure..have ya seen my od for this year yet? just updated today.
Thanks man. And no, but I'll check out your thread. I wish I had a place to grow outside here. It's just too developed where I am at.

looking good. time fly's when your having fun....I'm almost done with the room.

I am wondering if I need to put my single exhaust fan (434 CFM centrifugal) that filters that air and cools the light, on a thermistor or run constant. If I don't run constant I need to put an inline fan on the supply to the room which is a 7" insulated duct from the central ac and set it to run in intervals.

any suggestions?
Well, I would have 2 fans. One for the light, and one for the room itself. I was running my main room exhaust fan too much. It was sucking the cool air out of the room before it had time to cool the room. But that was just my situation. You post any pics yet of the room?


Well-Known Member
I don't think you'll need the portable ac. I modeled my attic grow off of yours and it was a 100 degrees outside today and my room stayed under 80 with my ac vent pretty much closed in my room. Anyways I want to thank you for making this thread it helped me figure out what I needed for mine. I got a 1000 watt in my room I thought it would make things to hot but with the ac vent in there if its open the room stays cooler then the rest of my house. anyways here are some pics of my room while I was constructing it.

this is the insulation I did

this is a ac vent that i rerouted to the room

This is the room just before it was done

Anyways thanks again!
Damn! Your room looks familar, lol. Well thanks for the thanks. Glad I could offer some insight. That is the main reason I started this thread. And I'm jelous of the water supply you have. I think I'm just going to have to get off my ass and get a water supply up there.

And btw, your avatar creeps me the fuck out! lol. Who is that?

dam man your room is looking nice and full very nice setup you have going.
Thanks Nugs. Alittle too full. I'm going to have to back off the plants I think. Theres just too many in there. More then enough for the wife and me. We plan on canning most of it. Can weed last up to 5 years or so?

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Can weed last up to 5 years or so?

I believe after you pop the lid on the curing jars for two weeks or a month, then the jars are set for storage. I have 5 jars right now just chilling two are still in the curing stage but the other three just are in storage, every once in a while i pull the jars out and open them just to make sure no mold started growing then they get closed back up and back into storage.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. And no, but I'll check out your thread. I wish I had a place to grow outside here. It's just too developed where I am at.

Well, I would have 2 fans. One for the light, and one for the room itself. I was running my main room exhaust fan too much. It was sucking the cool air out of the room before it had time to cool the room. But that was just my situation. You post any pics yet of the room?
I haven't even taken any pics of it. I will when I start getting the goodies in. Didn't get excited about the framing, Sheetrock and Spackle enough to do so but I will get some up for sure. Count on it.


Well-Known Member
I haven't even taken any pics of it. I will when I start getting the goodies in. Didn't get excited about the framing, Sheetrock and Spackle enough to do so but I will get some up for sure. Count on it.
Sounds like your doing everything right and not half assed. Can't wait to check it out. Pop me a message when you do.

The ventilaiton issue I had was a little bit of a bitch to work out. Just trial and error really. But it seems to work good now. You'll be fine either way. You know what your doing, so you'll be able to tweak it here and there when things get started.


Well-Known Member
Do you have any finished product yet? How much do you think you will harvest the first go around?


Well-Known Member
Do you have any finished product yet? How much do you think you will harvest the first go around?
No, not yet. I might get 4-6 ounces off the first cycle. Then maybe 2-3 after that. I'm still getting my system down. Trying to see if topping or not topping is the way to go with my setup, I think topping so far.