First grow ever, complete accident


Well-Known Member
If i were you, I would change out that flood for a CFL, it only cost like 4-5 bucks but It will work a TON better. Go to lowes and get a 6500k CFL any wattage you like. It will work better and your plant will show thanks for it.


thanks joshc, i read that journal before and slightly modelled mine after his (very slightly)
Today i went over to home depot and picked up two 42 watt fluorescent screw bulbs. before i had a 23w flood lamp and a 9 or 13w screw bulb, which only equalled about 2200 lumens. im not sure if you just add the lumens with the lights, but i have them angled to hit different sides of the plant. with the 2 42w bulbs i now have 5200 lumens surrounding the plant, which will work for another two weeks probably. im thinking about using the scrog method but i just like watching it bloom and as this is the first plant ive ever had i want it to grow as naturally as possible, yaa know
are the 42watt floros i bought considered 6500k CFLs?i know my little bud will need more lgiht as it grows, so im slowly investing in a little more every couple weeks

pic of new lights :D



The other day i noticed the first set of 5 tipped leaves had a splotchy yellowing at the base, and the leaves a little crinkled at the edges. i unfortunately i didnt notice them until after i trimmed some branches at the first and second nodes, and took the largest shoot for cloning purposes.
The first picture is of the yellowing, if anyone has some advice as to what this ailment is please help me out.
The next two pictures were taken before the trimming and the last picture is a day later after the post-trim.



heres another update of my unknown tree. is it sativa or indica? ive been doing quite a bit of trimming every 5 days or so because of the cfls im using so it gets more light for nug. i need to repot it because once again it has gotten too big, and now towers over a foot tall. its a month in so i dont nkow if i should be flowering yet, also is it bad to top a plant right before flowering?



Well-Known Member
be careful, it looks like the plant is either a little overfed or overwatered. make sure to let the medium dry out between waterings, and if the leaves still claw like that, back off on the NPK. any other opinions?
grizz, it is looking awesome though! i'm psyched for you bro


be careful, it looks like the plant is either a little overfed or overwatered. make sure to let the medium dry out between waterings, and if the leaves still claw like that, back off on the NPK. any other opinions?
grizz, it is looking awesome though! i'm psyched for you bro
im pretty sure all the leaves were damaged because i had to relocate it to my attic for two days, and during the day it was getting up to 115 degrees far. almost killed the thing for sure, but i water pretty thoroughly every 3 days. also today i noticed there are now roots coming out of the bottom of this new pot, should i bother repotting?


Well-Known Member
yeah those high temps are all bad, but if its still alive ur chill... you shouldn't need to transplant, plus the roots you saw could just be the taproots, not a sign of rootbound-ness. 5g should be a big enough pot for a 3-4 ft. plant


i had more pictures of days in between but accidentally deleted them D=

heres an update of how its looking now. i topped it about a week ago, and today i trimmed most of the heat damaged leaves off. some were pretty big fan leaves, but since im using floros and those leaves werent retaining water too well, i figured it would only give more light to the new healthy leaves that have grown in. as of yet its worked very well.

ps im about a week and a half into flowering. good news, the only one that i didnt destroy out of the 50 original seedlings and it turns out female. praised be this little 8 pound 6 ounce baby infant jesus.



Well-Known Member
lol... dude that is looking bomb... but its time to add a bulb or 4, to put around the plant, maybe some more on top as well. thank goodness cfls are crazy cheap! I am impressed w/ the plant, tho.


lol... dude that is looking bomb... but its time to add a bulb or 4, to put around the plant, maybe some more on top as well. thank goodness cfls are crazy cheap! I am impressed w/ the plant, tho.
thank you very much! i loooove cfls, im shocked that ive been able to create this on a 70 dollar budget, another 40 is chump change if it increases density/weight of the harvest ;D

also do you think i should take a clone of this plant since it turned out female and i have no others? would be a pain to have to wait until the next time ii get bagseed, or id have to order offline which wouldnt be a bad idea but i havent taken this to that level yet. after all its still only my first grow

thank god for this website, otherwise i probably would have killed this thing as a seedling


Well-Known Member
word to that, RIU is the shit...
but yeah, clone it up. even if the clones don't stick you arent losing much. with that said, don't take too many, 2-4 should be good for experimentation purposes.