soil or coco


Well-Known Member
Don't know of many threads but I can vouch for coco, I love the shit. Check out my journal have some info in there. feel free to ask questions, what exactly are u wanting to know.


How often do you normally water?
Does it attract bugs?
Does it come loaded with nutes already?
Any thing special i may need?
Is there a major PH fluctuation?

Who prefers what brand and cut of coco?


Well-Known Member
How often do you normally water?
Does it attract bugs?
Does it come loaded with nutes already?
Any thing special i may need?
Is there a major PH fluctuation?

Who prefers what brand and cut of coco?

So far I have had not ONE problem with bugs period, I am sure that you could have problems with them but I think it is less likely to happen.

Coco is a PH neutral medium, takes on the ph of what you put in. As long as you are checking your PH before you water your girls your ph wont change, as long as you flush the coco every couple weeks to wash out salt deposits that can cause nute lock if you don't. You have to add your own nutes, make sure your nutes are coco specific or else you will have problems.

I water mine every couple days, I know alot of people water daily. No matter how often you decide to water, always use the water to waste method. That is water them untill water starts to run out of the bottom. This is one of the beautiful things about coco is you CANNOT overwater your girls, it will hold what it can and the rest flows right out the bottom.

I would highly recomend atleast trying coco, you will love how fast they grow. I use coco blocks from Botanicare, they seem to work great:hump:


will coir itself work for cloning? I put 2 snowcap clones into coir with Olivias clone gel i water a couple time a day to push fresh water in and i use a drop of superthrive to half gallon:peace:


Well-Known Member
will coir itself work for cloning? I put 2 snowcap clones into coir with Olivias clone gel i water a couple time a day to push fresh water in and i use a drop of superthrive to half gallon:peace:

Yes it will, just don't keep the coco too wet, I would water once after you take your clones and wouldn't water again till you start seein roots. Too much water u will wash off the cloning solution.


Well-Known Member
speaking of soil and coco i just found out about coco recently! would it be alright to mix coco in with my soil?


Well-Known Member
speaking of soil and coco i just found out about coco recently! would it be alright to mix coco in with my soil?
I haven'therd of anyone doing so, I would think it would kinda ruin the point of buying the coco


I added some to my outdoor soil a few days ago probablay a waste though i am kinda in love with coir, it smells clean it looks nice all of the ups about it grabbed my attention fast, i looked at the clones today and there are 1/4 roots already, i waterered twice both with a little superthrive in the water 1 drop to 12 oz. of distilled water, i watered the coir before pokin the clones in. 3 days later being yesterday i poured the same amount in. I sprayed them with a little honey water today for the first time early this morning and now being 12 hours later they look very happy.


Well-Known Member
I found this on coco:

What if I told you I discovered a magic substrate that would grow our favorite plants as big and fast as a complex nft or aeroponic hydro set up but with the simplicity of a soilless mix grow? This substrate could be hand watered or set up to a simple drip system. It could be run 100% organic or with chemical nutes. RO water or tap water could be used. Well I have grown in just about every medium you can imagine and by far the best one I have worked with is COCO. Coco is just amazing stuff to grow in. Some people have had bad experiences with coco in the past. Most of these problems have 2 major sources. #1 Poor quality coco.

In the early trials I had with coco I got mixed results. I soon discovered that some of the coco I was using was loaded with salts!! I had to measure the EC of the runoff on each batch of coco and flush the daylights out of some it. It was very inconsistent. One batch was ready to use and the next batch would have a runoff at 400ppm BEFORE nutes were added. Thankfully the industry has set some standards and most brands of coir marketed to plant growers is ready to use. The second and the most important problem was PH. You MUST keep your nute solution between 5.5 and 6.2. It looks like soil but grows plants like hydro. Low PH is a must. 2morrow I will begin a series on how to cultivate exceptional plants from coco.



Well-Known Member
i just ordered some coco and i have 3 northern light and 3 hindu kush seedlings that will grow up in coco. i've always used mg soil before. ready for something new


Im lovin te coco, any of my clones looks better than any of the clones i have ever botten, my plants do grow faster, everything is great. i havent even gotten into growing enough to do anything with ph all i do is water or nute. I have had no problems at all with my youngens in the coco at all.