My Plant is a Mutant Freak of Nature


Active Member
This is my first post so I thought I'd make it about something interesting.

As you may have guessed by my name, I live in China. One of the guys I knew here for a while was from South Africa. Before he left, he gave me and his roommate some Swazi seeds. Due to improper storing conditions, only two of the seeds actually grew. One is doing fine. I've taken clones and am putting the (hopefully female) mother into flowering now.

The other one is a bit strange.

It came up normally, and at first I didn't notice anything. A while later, I noticed that it had three leaves at each level instead of the normal two.

AWESOME! More bud!

It was growing slow for a while because I kinda fucked up while transplanting it, but it's been doing fine since. A week ago it underwent another stage of strangeness. The stem split in two and now has two tops. From the split, each of the two stems has returned to being normal with only two leaves per set, but it's still weird.

So what do you guys think is up with my plant?

I've been keeping it out in the sun during the day, and at night I keep it inside under a 65W CFL. (I know I need more light.)

I just took the picture. The plant itself is roughly two and a half months old.



Active Member
It's no problem and I'm not worried about it. It's been a lot of fun to grow just because I have no idea what to expect from it. I'm just curious about what you guys think of it. Maybe get some more information about what this means for the plant or any of it's offspring.


Well-Known Member
It looks good. Somehow it topped which is what you want anyway so now you'll have two nice colas when you flower it. Its starting to look like its stretching, maybe bend it over to get even more tops and keep the height in check. Good luck as I sure wouldn't want to be risking growing in China. They're not very nice to marijuana users.


Well-Known Member
My friend has had at least 3 plants top themselves, they are normally ones that have been stressed out when they were seedlings.


Active Member
My friend has had at least 3 plants top themselves, they are normally ones that have been stressed out when they were seedlings.
Yeah, it went through a lot as a baby. Before they were given to me, the seeds weren't kept in very good conditions either. The cardboard box they had been kept in got kinda soaked with Aerogarden nutes. Think that might have caused the three leaves thing?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it went through a lot as a baby. Before they were given to me, the seeds weren't kept in very good conditions either. The cardboard box they had been kept in got kinda soaked with Aerogarden nutes. Think that might have caused the three leaves thing?
Possibly, the ones he had i had given him because they were burnt from an accidental miracle grow mishap. Apparently since they are so small the top of the plant takes the worst of it which i guess causes it to die off perfect for topping.:rolleyes:


Active Member
The weed is decent, but the last batch I bought was harsh as all hell. There are still the occasional seeds and whatnot in it so it's not amazing or anything.

I am taking a risk growing, but I'm not really. It's mostly for personal use and for with close friends. The people here put marijuana on the same level as opium and possibly even heroin, but they have no idea what it really is. They use hemp for a lot of things here, but if you told them that it was where marijuana came from they probably wouldn't believe you. My friend grew a couple small plants last year and his Chinese girlfriend had no idea what they were. I would probably just get deported if I got caught. Technically growing cannabis is legal here. Selling it and whatnot is where you get in trouble.


Well-Known Member
I am also growing some buds in China. Its my first time. I have a grow journal you can check out. I wouldnt really worry about getting caught as long as your not being stupid with it. Im just growing for personal use and where I live no one would have any idea what it was.


Active Member
oohhh sounds interesting, are you growing like some tai stick or what? Can you take some pics of some nice chinese girls for us?


Well-Known Member
oohhh sounds interesting, are you growing like some tai stick or what? Can you take some pics of some nice chinese girls for us?
I got my seeds from some crazy dj that brought about a half a pound on a plane somewhere in China and didnt have any problem getting it to where I live. I didnt smoke it but most of it looked like it wasnt cured and was still kind of moist. I took as many good seeds as I could find and wound up with about 12 plants. Im not sure if it will be very potent at all. I guess I will find out when mine is finished growing.