Look if you buy something you f@#king take care of it dont you !!!!?????? OR NOT ?


Well-Known Member
DWR, you and your girl have been doing the 'mice' thing for awhile! Maybe, she was having a bad week and felt overloaded or something! Don't totally knock her out of the picture, yet! I know you two DO have a love for your pets!! I have read many of your threads where she was helping and doing whatever necessary to help your mice....PLEASE think before you throw her to the curb!:peace:
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Well-Known Member
DWR, you and your girl have been doing the 'mice' thing for awhile! Maybe, she was having a bad week and felt overloaded or something! Don't totally knock her out of the picture, yet! I know you two DO have a love for your pets!! I have read many of your threads where she was helping and doing whatever necessary to help your mice....PLEASE think before you throw her to the curb!:peace:

Word, didnt think about that one..... thnx :)



New Member
Sun Conuer? it looks kind of like a Black headed caique...I took care of some for a breeder a couple of years ago. They all wanted to rip my eyes out... except for one that would come down and swim in the water as soon as I gave it to them~I called him Nadar (to swim in spanish). For some reason he decided that he could trust me and within a couple of days, he would come down to see me with or without water. It really is so cool to see that the personalities of animals can be so different. :hump:

DWR, you and your girl have been doing the 'mice' thing for awhile! Maybe, she was having a bad week and felt overloaded or something! Don't totally knock her out of the picture, yet! I know you two DO have a love for your pets!! I have read many of your threads where she was helping and doing whatever necessary to help your mice....PLEASE think before you throw her to the curb!:peace:


Well-Known Member
Sun Conuer? it looks kind of like a Black headed caique...I took care of some for a breeder a couple of years ago. They all wanted to rip my eyes out... except for one that would come down and swim in the water as soon as I gave it to them~I called him Nadar (to swim in spanish). For some reason he decided that he could trust me and within a couple of days, he would come down to see me with or without water. It really is so cool to see that the personalities of animals can be so different. :hump:
She is a Yellow Crowned Amazon. She is a very good girl, she just turned 3 years old. She won't rip your eyes out, but, she does pack a punch with her bite! She is a good girl...:)


New Member
cool. She's bigger than I thought. they had a couple yellow crowned amazons. They all had very distinct personalities too. One named Oscar was a recluse, he'd peek out of his box and if he saw me he'd hiss. Remeined me of me :evil: I thought the "crown" in your avitar was flash glare.


Well-Known Member
No doubt... i originally wrote he should be put to sleep and part of me still feels that way....i'm trying to evolve though :twisted:
You don't have to evolve if the person doing the crime obviously hasn't yet. :twisted:

If anybody ever tried to touch my dog they would be getting more than a fistful.


Well-Known Member
I agree completely.Sometimes, like if a dog is getting rambunctious and jumps on your toddler for example...gotta give him a tap on the butt and let him know that we are careful around the baby.And most dogs only really have to be scolded.
You should NEVER hit a dog. If you are going to correct them you should use your hand to "bite" their neck. The boundry must be there before the dog gets out of control. If you see signs then you must immediatly correct the dog before they get rambunctious.


Well-Known Member
You should NEVER hit a dog. If you are going to correct them you should use your hand to "bite" their neck. The boundry must be there before the dog gets out of control. If you see signs then you must immediatly correct the dog before they get rambunctious.
i have a m8 that hits his dog and he says to me it doesnt hurt her..

i was like dude, she's fucking smaller than you... would you like to me to kick you ^^. and then he continued to say would you like me.. and i said try it :)

since then no kicki dog when i am around ^^


Well-Known Member
eh, i dont know alot on dogs but we would *spank* our middle sized female when she tried to get out.....which she always did, running off and not being able to find her for like 5 hrs when she returns home,we live on a very very busy street btw and she had like 4 or 5 times where she almost got hit by cars on the running back home or running off w/o even looking. (she did end up getting hit by a big ass 2 ton duely.... a very graphic and disturbing and sickening sight) not any harder than you would hit a child. do you guys think thats ok?


Well-Known Member
Ya just cant fix stupid fellas!There has been more than one time i have taken someones animals because they wont take care of them.The thanx in the animals eye's is always worth the risk.


Well-Known Member
ive thought of something no one else seems to have. call the humane society and tell them about animal mistreatment and if they wont listen the first time get really annoying, so out of frustration they will do something about it....


Well-Known Member
eh, i dont know alot on dogs but we would *spank* our middle sized female when she tried to get out.....which she always did, running off and not being able to find her for like 5 hrs when she returns home,we live on a very very busy street btw and she had like 4 or 5 times where she almost got hit by cars on the running back home or running off w/o even looking. (she did end up getting hit by a big ass 2 ton duely.... a very graphic and disturbing and sickening sight) not any harder than you would hit a child. do you guys think thats ok?
That is the 100% wrong / dumbest thing you could do. You REWARD them for coming back or when you call them. That way they want to come back. If you hit her when she comes back she will fear coming home and get the most out of her freedom because she fears coming home.


Well-Known Member
That is the 100% wrong / dumbest thing you could do. You REWARD them for coming back or when you call them. That way they want to come back. If you hit her when she comes back she will fear coming home and get the most out of her freedom because she fears coming home.
exactly, more people need to look at animal psychology like this.

rewards work better than punishment for dogs. though there IS time for punishment, but only when doing truly bad things.


Well-Known Member
exactly, more people need to look at animal psychology like this.

rewards work better than punishment for dogs. though there IS time for punishment, but only when doing truly bad things.
Yeah, it is amazing how stupid people are when they deal with dogs. They reactively punish without thinking about the consequence (thinking they are punishing a dog for running away when they are punishing it for coming home / rubbing their face in their feces when they soil indoors - it just teaches them to "hide" when they do bad things - it is far more effective to let them outside and overly praise them with love and attention and a treat when they soil out side then rubbing their face in their own excrement. If you got a blowjob and a bowl everytime you peed in a sink I can promise that your behavior could be STRONGLY influenced to turn every sink you see into a urinal LOL) Think about it; why would you pee in a toilet where you get nothing when the reward for peeing in a sink is totally awesome?

They never give positive reinforcement, and they yell and beat their dogs constantly. Despite the fact that their punishment has no effect on the dogs behavior they continue with the same misguided treatment wishing for a different result. I can promise you that if you switch to positive re-enforcement that you will have a much happier dog and your life will be so much better because you and your dog will be partners rather than overbearing parent to a kid.

I never hit my dog (or any other dog) but she does get disciplined as soon as she steps out of line I make her lay on her back. She knows the second that I am correcting her that it is time to chill because if she doesn't she will be laying down next to me. I rarely correct her; maybe once a month or less on average because I positively re-enforce her all of the time and she repeats the behavior that I reward.

The funny thing is that positive re-enforcement works AMAZINGLY well on humans as well. Yet very few people practice it.


Well-Known Member
That is the 100% wrong / dumbest thing you could do. You REWARD them for coming back or when you call them. That way they want to come back. If you hit her when she comes back she will fear coming home and get the most out of her freedom because she fears coming home.
no you misunderstood.....when she would try to run out when someone opened the door we would stop her and spank her b4 she got out the door