skunk #1 and white widow,do they need to topped ?


Well-Known Member

i grow 5 WW and 5 skunk1 in homebox grow tent ( 4 X 4 X 6,5 ft ) with 600W hps.

all seeds are feminized.

do i need to fimming/topping them ?


Well-Known Member
bro i am not an expert.please give me more info about why topping is bad thing.

i read topping / fimming topics and peaople tends to top their plants.

it is my first grow and i am very newbie.



Well-Known Member
Ok People talk about topping on here because they want to dink with the plants. Its over rated and bullshit.

The whole concept of growing a plant or plants is to have the plants produce as many branches as it can. Each branch will develope a huge bud on the end. Now if ya top the plant at the 5th node (5 branch on the main stalk) Yea 2 come out the the top. Big deal, so ya end up with 7 branches. Now if ya dont top ya the plant will just keep growing branches, more and more and more. So do you want 7 branches with a huge bud on the end or do ya want say 12 branches or 17 0r 18 or 15.

Let me know if it make sense. Someone will tell me i am wrong, but they are. They have not done it.


Well-Known Member
topping is great. Instead of one main cola. You get two. Successful topping methods will not lower the yield.

Get more opinions before listening to one or two people.

edit: i topped my StrawberrryCough and the branching is just how it was before i topped. Growth got stunted for 3 days but that's normal. The plant is fuller than ever and now have three tops. Ill post a pic.


Well-Known Member
topping is great. Instead of one main cola. You get two. Successful topping methods will not lower the yield.

Get more opinions before listening to one or two people.

edit: i topped my StrawberrryCough and the branching is just how it was before i topped. Growth got stunted for 3 days but that's normal. The plant is fuller than ever and now have three tops. Ill post a pic.
so how many branches do ya have on the plant? How many would ya have if ya did not top the plant?


Well-Known Member
i have too many branches, i need to fold the leaves under each other to get some light on the nodes. I just took a pic on my phone but im gonna run out for a minute to smoke a few bowls. BRB!


Well-Known Member
I'm curious about this too.

anyone have any experience successfully FIMing?
I'm new at growing. However, my understanding of FIMing is that it is not a reliable method of topping. I believe FIM stands for FUCK I MISSED. Try going to this URL. It has alot of info on different topping techniques. It also talks about the LST technique which is tying down the leaves.\

Hope I helped.:peace:


I read conflicting posts on topping plants, some say it's good to do and others say don't bother, so which is it? I'm a newbie grower but veteran smoker and I dont want to screw with nature on my very first grow that seems to be going well, so what to do? i have many large fan leaves blocking lower branches, so let it grow or prune the leaves and should i top too? if i want to clone, then i will need to top it, right? someone please explain it in laymens terms, thanks y'all...



Well-Known Member
Girl trust me. Just let it grow. Bend the top down some and that will trigger the branches to grow. Ya dnt need to top to make clones. Read my post it explains why ya should not top.


Well-Known Member
hey guys.i think we should try and see.

although i am very newbie and it is my first grow,i tried that methods.

i have 13 plants.
i topped 3 plants.i fimmed 5 plants.i did nothing rest 5 plants.

we will see whether topping/fimming is good.

thanks for your comments.

happy growing


Well-Known Member
Ok, this is my StrawberryCoughXSourDiesel grown Canna Coco in a beer cup. Iv'e been LST'ing it making it wrap around the lip of the cup. I topped it just about 3 days ago. I tied the tops down right before this pic, and this is how it stands right now. There are about 8-9 nodes/shoots that are rapidly growing above the fan leaves:)

two newest growths

and its vegging 12hrs under CFLs and 12hrs under a 150HPS

Sorry for the bad cellphone pics.

I water everyday, sometimes twice. Every other day i give it a feeding of FoxFarm GrowBig. That has helped the color lose on the old leaves. The reason why i water so much is becuase it is very rootbound and coco is very airy to begin with. Might be transplanted in the next couple days.


Well-Known Member
Now that ya topped it it will only spurt out 2 more branches out the top and thats it. If ya did not top it would kick out branch after branch.

Looks real healthy.