Afghan Dream


Well-Known Member
P.S, just as a note, i left all leaves on just to see how it would go, at the first sign, i will cut them off
You could always just trim the yellowing tips off as they appear but that cutting looks pretty healthy - i think it'll pull through regardless. If you don't start seeing roots in a few day perhaps gently dig it out and check the base - if there is no growth just cut the tip off again, dip in rooting hormone and try again. With how green that cutting is I bet you'll ahve a couple weeks to get it down. Lookin great! Keep it up.


Well-Known Member
looks good man, just keep her moist but not overwatered. as long as she stays green like that you should be good to go. I started cloning in hydro which can officialy suck my balls. I was so surprised that soil cloning is much easier and in my experience a lot faster. As long as you have the dirt hugging the stem well and you dont overwater then it's essentially set it and forget it. I've only lost soil clones to mold a couple times, all the others have rooted, whereas it was hit and miss if they would even ROOT in hydro. You'll probably start to see new growth within a week or so of the roots popping. Good luck :)

dj crane

Well-Known Member
Hello Everybody,

I haven't posted pics in afew because i have been so busy with some school work i had to catch up on, but my plants seem to be growing strong, and bushy.

I have decided to do very little trimming on this grow, manicuring will come in later grows. i just want to see what kind of bud i will get from smaller chutes, and how the lant will grow in general, though i have done some trimming off lower branches on one plant.

The heat is starting to creep up again, and i will definitly have to get cash somehow to get some sort of blower or a/c unti or something!

The clone looks as though it is still going strong, i checked the stem at soil level and it looks ok, i didn't see any kind of rot, but then again it could very well be there, i know i always sound so negative but i have this nasty feeling the clone won't pull through, but it would be soo cool if it did. In case it does, i have acouple cfl bulbs in 3700k and 6500k , i think, and a 12" t-12 sunlamp bulb to keep the clone on veg in a seperate little box, i would love to keep a sample of this strain this way till i get my second room later in the year.

Anyway folks, this was prob the longest winded post i have made, lol, but i had alot to say sinse i haven't in abit, i think i forgot abunch of stuff i wanted to post on to, but i'm high and can't remember.

Hope everyone enjoys!!!



Well-Known Member
dont worry about the mold we were all warning you about too much; it is very obvious and totally destructive very quickly. What will happen is the stem right were the plant meets the soil will discolour and swell and then start to go all fluidy then stringy and pulpy and then the plant will fall over. You might allso see whisps of white mold arround the stem if it is happening. But as long as it hasn't happened yet and you don't start overwatering then u'll be fine; hardly any clones from strong plants in good soil will get dapening off. Usually i find that if it is too moist and im in danger of seeing mold the leaves will in fact get it before the stems. Basically don't worry, weed is a weed and it will root if given even a quarter of a chance. GL:) the pix look great.

dj crane

Well-Known Member
dont worry about the mold we were all warning you about too much; it is very obvious and totally destructive very quickly. What will happen is the stem right were the plant meets the soil will discolour and swell and then start to go all fluidy then stringy and pulpy and then the plant will fall over. You might allso see whisps of white mold arround the stem if it is happening. But as long as it hasn't happened yet and you don't start overwatering then u'll be fine; hardly any clones from strong plants in good soil will get dapening off. Usually i find that if it is too moist and im in danger of seeing mold the leaves will in fact get it before the stems. Basically don't worry, weed is a weed and it will root if given even a quarter of a chance. GL:) the pix look great.

Thank you!! i will try not to worry so much about it and wait, lol, hard to do. Glad you enjoyed the pics!! more to come as it seems right.


Well-Known Member
u'll know knew growth by the top leaves starting to point upwards first i find, and then the little tiny stuff in the center will start to grow up and be new leaves.

dj crane

Well-Known Member

So i know i have lacking on the pics and updates lately, but school has been being a real bitch on my spare time.

so here is what has been going on. some leaves on my plants are still looking like they are going through PH issues, but i think they will recover in alittle bit when they have had abit more time.

i was worried that i might have streched them alittle when i movd my light up, they seem to like it only like 6-8 inches from the light, hey, if thats what they keep streching for, then i will keep it at that height away from the plant to prevent streching.

The plants really are starting now to pop out those lovely hairs. the budding process is very much kicking in, i love my open sesimy from fox farm.

These pics are not very good because my light is on, however in afew hours i will post more, better quality pics.


dj crane

Well-Known Member

So here i am with another update, but this one is for my clone. It is really starting to feel as though it's gonna make it, i see new hairs poping up from the top and slight growth, so i'm optimistic it will hold. a question i do have is, when should i swith it back to veg? i have afew extra cfl's i'm gonna throw in a box with this clone to keep it in veg, when should i do this, i want to make sure is has rooted befopre i take it out of the hps, but i'm afraid to put it in it's box yet, let me know!!


dj crane

Well-Known Member
Here are the pics with the light off that i promised!also i have included the pics of my new clone box, i hope it survives!!!



Well-Known Member
Looking good man!

Why no dome over the clone?

Keep that dome on and misted at all times until it roots and I bet it survives!

Poke a few little air holes in the top too, making sure it can breathe.

Also, what is the temp in that box? Any air flow?

dj crane

Well-Known Member
Looking good man!

Why no dome over the clone?

Keep that dome on and misted at all times until it roots and I bet it survives!

Poke a few little air holes in the top too, making sure it can breathe.

Also, what is the temp in that box? Any air flow?

I had the domw over it for awhile, but i was thinking i should take it off now thats its under the cfl. Am i making a mistake? Should i keep it in my grow room 12/12 under the hps? i have just put it in this veg box on 18/6 today, should i dome it even under the cfl?

i kept my digital thermometre in there for a hour and max temp was 26 C(about 79 F) but alas no there is no air flow, i know i need a fan, but i wasn't really prepared for a clone, lol, so i'm doing this with extra supplies from my grow, but i have [no]extra fan, so i will get one soon


Well-Known Member
I had the domw over it for awhile, but i was thinking i should take it off now thats its under the cfl. Am i making a mistake? Should i keep it in my grow room 12/12 under the hps? i have just put it in this veg box on 18/6 today, should i dome it even under the cfl?
Yes you are. I kept the dome on under 1- 23 watt, 6500k CFL. Look at my avi pic. Worked out for me :-) I have about 97% success rate cloning. Keep it under the CFL with the dome and some air holes.

i kept my digital thermometre in there for a hour and max temp was 26 C(about 79 F) but alas no there is no air flow, i know i need a fan, but i wasn't really prepared for a clone, lol, so i'm doing this with extra supplies from my grow, but i have [no]extra fan, so i will get one soon
You might not need a fan. How big is the clone box?


Well-Known Member
i keep mine under dome till they are rooted. Its all about striking the balance between highest humidity possible and no rot.


Well-Known Member
Just get a little cheap $12 6" fan from walmart.

Set it on that shelf above the plant pointing out the door. Leave it cracked enough so it doesnt blow your clone around too much and you should be great.

Yeah, I agree. Too much moisture and they rot. Honestly with cloning, I just try and barely keep them alive. As little water as possible. This makes them root. But dont overdo it or they will die.

Strtiking a balance is indeed the key.


Well-Known Member
I was looking at your pictures and wondered something...

In this pic can you move that light up? If everything is ok, then that's cool, I just wanted to make sure you weren't going to run out of space.

dj crane

Well-Known Member
I was looking at your pictures and wondered something...

In this pic can you move that light up? If everything is ok, then that's cool, I just wanted to make sure you weren't going to run out of space.

It does look as though i am at my height max from this pic, however my light is on the grow yo yo and has space to be raised, Thank you very much for the concerned thought though, it would suck to run out of space just starting flowering. Do you like the grow so far?


Well-Known Member
It does look as though i am at my height max from this pic, however my light is on the grow yo yo and has space to be raised, Thank you very much for the concerned thought though, it would suck to run out of space just starting flowering. Do you like the grow so far?
yessir... not as much fun as my own grow (becuase it's in my house), but yeah man nice job so far. Looking forward to watching the progress. You seen to have a nice setup that should serve you well. You also seem to some good smart people watching, and that always helps alot.

keep it up.