how long before i go to budding


Well-Known Member
i am rather stopid and havnt got a clue how long ive been veging for i really wanna turn to 12.12 cos ive never taken a plant the whole way i dont care how much bud i produce the seeds were free. im more interested in learning the techniques of budding cos ive adaquatly mastered the veg phase but my plants have either been busted by the fuzz or ex girlfriend chopped them .bitch she knows how to hurt me its a foot tall and on the 8th node and looking healthy


Active Member
You can probably start budding if you really want but a foot tall sounds alittle small.
Do you know what strain it is? And have you got any pics?


Well-Known Member
You can probably start budding if you really want but a foot tall sounds alittle small.
Do you know what strain it is? And have you got any pics?
no pics she is in the dark. its an outdoor strain my mate has developed it for pain relief and i scammed some seeds. he has been growing for years medical use rather than to get high. she stinks like a mo fo


Active Member
get rid of the girl till u flowerer ur just gunna be that more mad if u have that danky ass smell around you one min and the next there laying on the floor all smashed up fuck bro they dont make a nute or pestiside that can cure ur prob good luck


Active Member
since you dont know what strain it is best ask your mate how long he leaves his in flower or budding bit small at the mo but you could still flip it on 12/12 if you think it smells know wait till the last week or so happy budding any help you want always around good luck.


Active Member
Well if your mate has been growing it with good sucsess I'd ask him for advice.
Good Luck bro.


Well-Known Member
problem is cured bro she is long gone got my self a new uprated watering model my new mrs waters my plants she loves it