Rubbermaid & cfl starter kit


Well-Known Member
So This is gonna be my first go at starting my lil ones in a rubbermaid tub with cfls, Ive always done it natural in the past but I now have 2 cats that eat anything that grows.

Anyhow, I started the seeds like norm: papertowels and plates in a warm dark place. Got me some designer seeds but a mixed bag of sativas and indy strains that the supplier lost track of.

Once sprouted I put two (for now) in to cups and let them start in the sun as I get great sunlight in the day, not long after the cats knocked them over. Luckily I managed to save them and decided on other tactics.

Rubbermaid tub=$5
light sockets =$5
bulbs = $10
timer = $8
already had a small fan that served no purpose till now.

and WAHLAH!!!!

Bear in mind this Not yet finished I still have to paint the inside white and add more lights, but like I said its only 2 lil ones..



Active Member
nice set up man, i wanna try doing something like that. What are you gonna do when they start getting bigger tho


Well-Known Member
nice set up man, i wanna try doing something like that. What are you gonna do when they start getting bigger tho
check it bro
made this for anyone wanting to try it
works awesome

How to Create a 400 Watt HID Rubbermaid Grow
by gman

You Will need

Three Rubbermaid bins

Three higher velocity fans
One lower velocity fan
A sharp razor or knife
Mylar, or flat white paint

Step one:
Place one Rubbermaid bin right side up take cover of and put to side

Step two: remove the cover of a second Rubbermaid bin and place face down over the first Rubbermaid bin

Step Three: Cut a hole in the bottom of the top box

Step Four:
put last Rubbermaid right side up with cover on top cut hole in bottom of Rubbermaid bin first

Step Five:
Cut a hole in the second bin up on the side for one high powered fan

Step six:
Cut directly opposite for the second high powered fan
both will be pumping air in

Step Seven:
Cut a hole on the side of the top box so that the third and final high powered fan will fit blowing air out

Step eight:
Cut a hole on the side of the bottom box so that the low powered fan will fit and blow on your plants nicely

Step nine: Affix hood and bulb so that it can hang from the cover of the top box

Step ten: put mylar all over the inside, if Mylar is not an option use flat white paint

Step Eleven: put them plants in there and let em grow

To access the plants simply take the top bin off the top,
to get all the way to the plants take the middle and top off

Anyway here of some pics of it and its results



Active Member
do you need to let them grow a little bit before you put them in there??? like wont they stretch and/or not be strong enough for a fan???


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tutorial Growman that is wicked awesome! The pics are cool too. Hey Refer my plants are bout 2-3 weeks and yes I will be stacking more bins when my ladies are bigger. But only till late june when they go outdoors because I will be away a couple times for days at a time. Thanks for all the info and keep it coming. Like nutes: what the best ratios for veg and flower.?. I just started 8-7-6 very deluted for now but I know it will have to change later.

here are a pics from just days after putting them in there.

the First one is Twisted Sister & the other is my Indy.



Active Member
dude how do you hook up the lights.... thats all i have is lamps and i want to hook up some lights in a socket but those 3 wires that they come w ii dunno what to do with


Well-Known Member
I got a thing from H.Depot that looks like a light socket with a plug on the back. so you can plug it into a wall if you wanted to and plug a bulb in the otherside. It would look like a bulb coming right out of the wall. costs a dollar. then I got a bulb splitter for 2 bucks. and then two 6500k 23w cfl phillips bulbs. extention cord and timer.


Well-Known Member
This is the basic set up I have. and you can use as many as you want!

I know its a lil crude but its the IDEAR anyhoo! Each rig will give you 3200 lumens but you can find bigger bulbs too! or just ad more.



Well-Known Member
BTW those are cucumber and tomatos in the background.....Had to let my daughter be involved too. That way there are no questions about the box thats lit up like a xmas tree! LOL


Well-Known Member
haha good call with you daughter lol. but looks like a solid set up man. and when they get too big for one tub all you have to do is add one and put the lid on top of the new one. good call. good luck man. ill defiantly check this one out.


Well-Known Member
NICE! ... Ya I'm probably gonna grab another tub and put it upside down in top of my original 1. Thank for the link

Grandma's boy

Active Member
This is a pretty simple, cool setup.

Would it work to set up another setup of tubs for flowering and keep a continuous grow cycle going?

Thanks for posting this, but I have acouple of questions.

How many plants will that hold?

What size pots are the plants in?


I may try this to replace the VERY small closet grow I'm doing now.


Well-Known Member
Yes my friend! you can do this in multiple tubs with separate cycles for each but keep in mind that for every tub at a diif stage you will need individual timers. I'm just using beer cups with holes in the bottom till next week when I will switch the girls to a 5gal pot and stack another tub on top. By late june they will migrate outdoors till the end. That way they get a jump on the season. When they got outside I will start some Dwarf indicas that can live indoors the whole lifespan. That way I can harvest the outdoor ladies in early sept or late august, then the indoors ladies in jan-feb or sooner If I keep'em small.


Well-Known Member
DUDE! what are you doin with my plant!!!! Lol thats crazy how they look the same! what breed ya got there growman?:weed: