Noob want to grow marijuana


Well-Known Member
What the hell is "Th OP?" When you and your sister developed your own secret language, did you ever consider us normal folk wouldn't be able to comprehend it? I didn't "think" you were talking about me; I was "asking" if you were talking about me. If I "thought" you were talking about me, I probably would've acted like an asshole in my response. I guess "just toast" is better than "jumper toad" or "unjust toast," right? I'll accept a response from you or your sister.
The OP=Grow op aka Grow operation. Understand now? It's not very uncommon language here..


Well-Known Member
"Maybe you can turn some tricks as well, little young ass is like gold I hear."

So you can make jokes about him engaging in underage prostitution, but me making a sarcastic comment about pedophilia is off the table? If only you could define the word hyprocrite for me.
Yeah, see he is a 16 year old on the path of fucking up someone esles chi, and Im saying hey yeah lets pile on and try to wake his klownass up.
Im not trolling to score , Got it Stoner?


Well-Known Member
wow you guys need to smoke some of this sour diesel i picked up...
there would be alot less hate...
btw i hope we are all stoners here..


Well-Known Member
Oh man you ppl suck... i tought some body would explain me nicley but noooooo. And this isnt a selfish grow, me and my buddies would grow this for us (and sell some). How can you tell me that i'm to young to plant marijuana when it's illegal? if you dont want to help me please say nothing.
Please dont take chances or burn people because you are ignorant or delusional


Well-Known Member
wow you guys need to smoke some of this sour diesel i picked up...
there would be alot less hate...
btw i hope we are all stoners here..
Not really. hell I could be blazed out of my mind and still be annoyed at children growing without concern for any of the consequences. I'm sure I'm not the only one either.


Well-Known Member
Not really. hell I could be blazed out of my mind and still be annoyed at children growing without concern for any of the consequences. I'm sure I'm not the only one either.
wait.. i just meant the little disagreement.. we should be working together to teach the world responsible marijuana use and how to grow your own...

i will agree with you on the original topic...
i dont think kids growing plants in their parents houses is too cool...

and i dont think kids smoking pot is too cool either..

any who.. im going to bed hope i didnt offend...

Plato Is Boring

Well-Known Member
wait.. i just meant the little disagreement.. we should be working together to teach the world responsible marijuana use and how to grow your own...

i will agree with you on the original topic...
i dont think kids growing plants in their parents houses is too cool...

and i dont think kids smoking pot is too cool either..

any who.. im going to bed hope i didnt offend...

You're right on. I was just being a dickhead earlier. :peace:


Well-Known Member
being a dickhead can be alot of fun some times... but it should be treated like dru... no, alco... no, crac... no... prosti... no ... ... something you dont do often


Active Member
so get on your bike, ride around and try to find an empty abandoned spot where no one will see you or your plants and plant them their., safer for you, better weed by growing outside, and safer for your parents.

Baked Jesus

Well-Known Member
LOL, this thread cracked me up. Why isn't this kid banned already? He's openly admitted to being 16. I thought that was one of the rules here.

This kid must have little or no respect for his rents if he wants to grow bud in THEIR house without their permission. Someone missed a few ass whoopings.