Noob want to grow marijuana


Well-Known Member
how old are you really though? i'm just wondering. it amazes me at how young people get into growing. future farmers of the world unite. happy growing my friend.


Active Member
i'm 16 and a half years old :P. before i wanted to grow weed i was (and still am) in the internet business, but since i'm not 18 years old it is kind of heavy to earn some bucks over internet. you can't have adsense, nor paypal, or anything else... so i decided to grow weed smoke a bit and sell the rest, to make some money for future investments, and to buy my self a go-kart. yea you heard right :D. i wanted to have a go-kart and go to races and stuff, but my parents didn't allowed me that, so i'm gonna buy a kart my self when i earn some cash. (i'm crazy about driving :) )


Active Member
Go into your village woods, and put the seeds in the ground. I am over 16 and a half years old so I have a little more knowledge then you kid, and I am telling you that growing inside your parents house is a NO-NO.


i peed myself reading this...

and yeah, kids, wanna grow?
go guerilla
then you only fuck yourself if you get caught!

happy growin!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Im not even remotely surprised, The OP is an assklown of galactic proportions, that you lost the thread of the conversation comes as no suprise ,it shows that you are ,toast.
I quoted you for making a crack about me suggesting I was Chester the molester.
You lose.
Im a person with a conscience who would'nt encourage someone to put others at risk through a sense of narcissism