Will this light work?


Well-Known Member
no get about 6 45watt cfl bulbs
ok thanks guys. how about using this... my closet has this so i could just put the new seedlings close to this for just the beginning until they get stronger for the great outdoors



New Member
not trying to be rude bro but you'd need to hook up about 10 of those for 2 good plants, that's expensive compared to one HID i don't think one will cut it lol. i saw one dude with one of those in a dixie cup reflector. his plant was so tiny... wtf?


Well-Known Member
not trying to be rude bro but you'd need to hook up about 10 of those for 2 good plants, that's expensive compared to one HID i don't think one will cut it lol. i saw one dude with one of those in a dixie cup reflector. his plant was so tiny... wtf?
hahah ok no problem dude, your not being rude at all you just helping me out and i appreciate that...I'll just start out my grow outside a little later in the year.

thanks all!


Well-Known Member
no you can start them off with just 2 of thos CFLs
depending on how many you are gonna grow...
i have 2 plants right now growin off 1 23 W CFL each (still in veg) and there doin GREAT!~
i even started both under 2 13 W CFLs...
so yes it is possible to start them out with small Watt CFLs...just get em outside soon after...(i would say start them in a gallon bucket for about 2-3 weeks after germ) them move em outside


Active Member
haha yeah why pay money to start inside when you have a 10,000 watt duel MH and HPS "light" that hangs in the sky and is free. GROW OUTSIDE!!!!


Well-Known Member
haha good point....but personaly i think it would be easier to start it indoors...kinda of like..strenght training...and that way you know its gonna grow..
or at least know its growin before you put it outside..


Well-Known Member
if its possible thats probly the best way...keep mum all tidy up indoors while the clones go outside to play...but from what it sounds like this dude dont have the space or the room or the lights to keep a mum plant