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Well-Known Member
lol have a look at ur sig i think u misspelt "shyte"
thats aint the english language thats saying shit spelt like the accent
and i thort u poms invented the english language


Well-Known Member
lol have a look at ur sig i think u misspelt "shyte"
thats aint the english language thats saying shit spelt like the accent
and i thort u poms invented the english language
Can you not see that you are massively embarrassing yourself. You are picking out spelling mistakes on other people and then knocking out a cracker in 'thort'.

You are clearly a mere child, I think you defining your age and then going on about wages proves this! You probably haven't done a days work in your life yet. NOW FUCKOFF! :cuss:


Well-Known Member
looks like we have another jelouse one consider urself added to the minus rep list which will be hammerd with multiple log inns enjoy ur doom...


New Member
looks like we have another jelouse one consider urself added to the minus rep list which will be hammerd with multiple log inns enjoy ur doom...
wow.. R U serious? you are a waste of sperm son..

Ummmm... FYI - "Shyte" is a slang word used in the place of "shit".. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=shyte

haha the mere fact that you think its a mispell just proves you need to seriously get hooked on phonics and not the chronics..



Well-Known Member
that means shit its not spelt like that so its fucking wrong no matter what context its used in

and i do understand u have a disease,and that ur role playing to be a bigger man,to bad u have to show off to a bunch of stoners now thats lame..


New Member
I cannot believe this guy is still around.. I love this site, but I cant believe this guy is allowed to troll and disrupt the way he does.
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