New Grow Journal, Afgan, Skunk#1, Jerry Berry, AK47


Well-Known Member
Nah, none of them needed. I know exactly would I should do, kill it, but I wanted to see what others think. Get them involved in the grow kinda...Something different

I got more people telling me to keep it and shop off the balls, so I did. Keeping a close watch on it, If it developes more balls its gone. It wont effect my crop because they wont grow mature enough to open, I wont allow it, it will be dead before that happens. I figure I have no need for any seeds, even if it were a few, I have plenty now :leaf:

I checked The Afgan when I woke em up this morning, Nothing has grown back so far, thats a plus. Sometimes they dont, but then sometimes they do and u have to kill it.

The Jerry Berry is budding BEAUTIFULLY along with the Afgan.

The AK...still not clear on that. It appears to be one single hair still where a preflower should emerge. Waiting to see the classic V hairs then I will confirm its a female.

The other Jerry Berry looks like its gonna be a male. As soon as I see a actual ball or cluster it will be killed. I am not 100% sure yet its a male. Should be able to tell bye tonight or tomorrow.

The Runt, Skunk#1 started growing how they do when they are ready to preflower and show sex, then start budding.

It is under 18/6 light, but looks like its ready to go. I want to keep it in Veg longer. Thinking until I find out the sex of the other jerry Berry. If the JB turns out male, The skunk will be put into 12/12. If not ill veg a lil longer. Looks like it wants to auto flower?

I have a few going on my second rotation, they are looking good.

So...I believe its day 9 flowering. There is much noticable amount of bud growth since the last pic, so I figure I will wait another day or two then take some pics of it.

Maybe ill take a pic of that AK today. That sucker is 2ft tall. Its gonna be a big one if its a girl.
Where is your AK from??My first ones grew with thick ass leaves like 4 fingers across them and were monsters,but all the clones i have taken,probly close to 50 dont seem to grow as good as the ones from seed.I no this dont make sense as far as loosing any genetics but they do not grow like a seed plant.


Well-Known Member
Thats why im not even bothering cloning with my 9 ak47, i like seed to harvest lol


Well-Known Member
Thats why im not even bothering cloning with my 9 ak47, i like seed to harvest lol
Yea, but you got to do, what you got too, with limitations!! Clones do things that seeds dont also.So i like both and love not having to deal with males unless i want too.


Well-Known Member
I know what your saying but people know about my loft grow, people i'd rather didn't know, so soon as the 9 ak47 are done this room is being dismantled, unfortunatley no time to mess about making more :sad:


Well-Known Member
I know what your saying but people know about my loft grow, people i'd rather didn't know, so soon as the 9 ak47 are done this room is being dismantled, unfortunatley no time to mess about making more :sad:
OIC that suxs bad.


Well-Known Member
I know what your saying but people know about my loft grow, people i'd rather didn't know, so soon as the 9 ak47 are done this room is being dismantled, unfortunatley no time to mess about making more :sad:
What? dude you have to stop growing? That sucks, you just got such a bad ass setup. I hear ya though, trust your gut.


Well-Known Member
I know I know....

I didn't get the pics up last night...haha. usually its Somebeech on my ass for that. Keeping me in check with the updates!

So yeah, I am attaching them now. I have the pics of my AK, and one from the new rotation.

Bud pics will come probably tomorrow. I want you to be able to see a big difference in the bud growth from the last bud shots.

Today is 10 days flowering. They are a good size for there age. I can tell this is gonna be a nice harvest.

Ok. I am gonna finish uploading those pics. They will be up in a few mins.


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics of my MONSTER AK. For its age...ITS HUGE. Its just about 2feet tall, and still not clear on its sex yet. As for the other Jerry Berry, I have a feeling it will be killed very soon. Once I am 100% sure its a male its gone.

For some reason it wont let me load up my pic of the Skunk#1 from the second rotation. Ill take another pic later. Not sure why the deminsions for that pic would be any different for the others. Any ideas?

Now to the good part...the pics



Well-Known Member
dude, if u dont have Gravity, u gotsta get some!...2 days and yeah, it makes a difference
Your talking about Liquid Gravity?

I was really stoned at the time and had no idea what you were talking about. I would have to check my list of all the nutes. Not sure if that one is in there. I will go back in my thread and see if its one I listed in the nutriet post about my potion.


Well-Known Member
hey looking good guy
wheres the one of the one u think is a male?
can i see what makes u think that?please


Well-Known Member
hey looking good guy
wheres the one of the one u think is a male?
can i see what makes u think that?please
Yeah, I will take some pics of it later, and put it up.

The only thing, My camera is not the best, so your really not going to be able to see the calayx formation, and what it appears to be is the start of a male cluster forming.

I am gonna go and get a 100X magnifier. Then when I will use that to make the camera better. Gonna do what twisted did. I think I know what he did at least. Used the magnifier to get the closeup, then took a pic of the magnifier showing the buds so you could see the Tryches. Am I right twisted? But how would that work? Would you have to crop it so it shows just what the magnifing scope shows?

Because other then the height, and sometimes flowering time of the plant, you really can't tell the sex until you see preflower. And going on heigh and time it takes to show sex is not accurate. So you really wont learn nothing from a picture of the plant itself, but I will take one.

If I get that scope before the male plant is dead, I will show you what the sacks look like. Or I can get you a diagram. But I am thinking you want to see it on someones plant, not a diagram picture of it.

Sometimes plants can look like they are males, but have large calayxes, then you will see the hairs bursting out of them. But then sometimes it developes into the clusters of the male sacks. So to be certian you really have to wait until it preflowers, and you actually see the V of the female hairs, or a pollen sack, or often clusters of them. Once you see them, then you know your plants sex!


Well-Known Member
Your talking about Liquid Gravity?

I was really stoned at the time and had no idea what you were talking about. I would have to check my list of all the nutes. Not sure if that one is in there. I will go back in my thread and see if its one I listed in the nutriet post about my potion.
If you dont mind il show you a pic of what the G does,its from humboldts line of additives and is still in experimental stage,it has burned ppls hole grow up and many are scared to use it!My friend that owns a hydro store sent me some and Purple Max,in a trial size bottle about 7 months ago.I have experimented with doseage and have burnt a few but now its no problem for me to use it!


Well-Known Member
ya i hear ya i know the diff already i just would like to see urs :0)
but ya thanks
i hope my plant dont turn out a male.
ill be stressed :0(


Well-Known Member
If you dont mind il show you a pic of what the G does,its from humboldts line of additives and is still in experimental stage,it has burned ppls hole grow up and many are scared to use it!My friend that owns a hydro store sent me some and Purple Max,in a trial size bottle about 7 months ago.I have experimented with doseage and have burnt a few but now its no problem for me to use it!
Yeah, I like to see what it can do. I dont think that was one listed I used. I knew it was a additive, and heard about people killing crops with it, but I know if you use it wisely it could work wonders, just dont think I have used it at all.

But I would be interested to try it out. I would have to be real careful, because you have to remember I am using alot of stuff already. And if you can tell bye my pics, no nute burns. In veg stage if you remember I did have a plant with nute burn, but it was quickly fixed, I believe its the female jerry berry thats budding now. But yeah, I would have to be very careful with it. So before I used it any info you know would help. But I see I have a pm from you, and guessing its about Gravity, so I am gonna go take a look


Well-Known Member
ya i hear ya i know the diff already i just would like to see urs :0)
but ya thanks
i hope my plant dont turn out a male.
ill be stressed :0(
Its usually a 50/50 ratio of males to female. So usually out of 6 plants, you at least get 3. In this rotation I had 6, one was found to be a male he was destroyed, down to 5, 2 of them were found to be ladies. That leaves 3 left. I think out of those 3 the jerry berry will be a male. That leaves 2 potential females left. If both of them are females, thats 4 girls, not bad.

I will take a pic of the plant for you, maybe by then it will be more developed and will be able to stop the pollen sack. If not, at least I will have the picture up of the male.


Well-Known Member
ya i hear that.
i wish all the seeds i droped grew like this one plant i have :0)
this sprout i have now im hopeing it stays growing good.
and i did find out it was from gnats thats what those little larve was .those little bastards were eatin my baby roots thats why it got worse so hopefully i dont get that anymore.
plus i dont see as much gnats anymore now either.i dont water my plants as much now either :0) and everytjime i see a gnat i try to kill it.
my plant is geting alot better and big im so happy


Well-Known Member
ya i hear that.
i wish all the seeds i droped grew like this one plant i have :0)
this sprout i have now im hopeing it stays growing good.
and i did find out it was from gnats thats what those little larve was .those little bastards were eatin my baby roots thats why it got worse so hopefully i dont get that anymore.
plus i dont see as much gnats anymore now either.i dont water my plants as much now either :0) and everytjime i see a gnat i try to kill it.
my plant is geting alot better and big im so happy
Shitty, you gotta get suttin. Ladybugs are great for killing pests, and they wont harm your plant. Try that, not sure if they will be able to get the nats, because they are pretty small and in the soil, but I know lady bugs are known for keeping your garden rid of pests.

So far so good with mine. No bugs. Even if there were, I dont think they be able to eat the roots fast enough on my big ones, the root systems are crazy. Im gonna show the root system of the jerry berry if its a male. Gonna dig it up, and take a pic of the roots. Then I can inspect the soil to see if there are any pests. If its good to go, then I will take the soil out of that 2 gal bucket, clean it out, then run some of the diluted dishsoap water through the soil to kill the salts of the nutes you were feeding the plants. Salts tends to build up.

If thats the case, the bucket/soil will be all set for the runt to be trasnplanted into, for its final home. The runt has started to grow they way they do during flowering, brachnes being uneven. It has been under 18/6 light cycle. I am thinking its going to auto flower, and that brings up my next post.


Well-Known Member

I decided since 3 have shown sex already, one was killed. And the rest are starting to preflower, and my plants are already very big, besides the runt, that they are all going into 12/12. I would of liked to veg the skunk#1 longer, but honestly with how big the AK got, and the others, I really dont have the room to let it get really big. If that AK is a girl, its gonna be around 5-6ft. Thats pretty damn big. The others are fat and getting tall. So room is running out. I figure it be smart to go into 12/12 now and get all the ladies budding with the 2 that are all ready going.

So far, (besdies the few grow room accidents) I am very happy with my grow results, with what I have to work with. I am doing pretty good. Very excited for when I get my tent. And I guess I gotta find another place to get my HPS light in since Econo light never shipped me mine, and now they are out.

But when I have everything, I am excited to see my results. Hell, I am excited to see my results from this grow. So far so good!

Todays Pics of the AK, my youngest and biggest plant, 2ft tall, is on page 31.