It's New Yars Eve


Well-Known Member
probably gonna just chill all day until 11PM then head over to my friends house to shoot off his cannon at 12AM :D


New Member
If I'm awake past 10:30 PM it'll be a miracle. We have no plans, and unless I can find some weed, there's no reason to stay up until midnight.


Well-Known Member
that reminds me, gotta make a call for some :leaf:

i should be drunk, stocked up yesturday at the liquor store.
i should be sexed, my woman is ready to go.
and i should be high offa thee marijuwanna

what more could i want for new yars?


New Member
I don't drink and have no desire too.

My man is at work and our adult daughter lives here, sex is hard to find private time for.

I have one hit of weed left, my son came by to do some laundry and I charged him a small bud for the privlege. :wink:

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
My days of wild all night parties on NYE are long behind me. I like to stay in on New Years.... Tonight I'm going to have a fire in the fireplace, a couple cocktails and lots of bong hits. If I'm still awake at midnight I'll walk down to the water with my dog and watch the fireworks.



New Member
I will come back to this page and watch the fire works that FLgirl posted. It's cold here, the only fireworks on New years here are the rollers on top of the cop cars.

At least now the countdown to spring is a little shorter, the days are growing longer. Damn I hope we get a March spring.


Active Member
wassup pple.....
happy new years wut ya guys gonna do.....
idono wut im gonna do i wanna go to ToA.......
but i do wanna kick it with my friends an family.....
grrrr wut ya pple gonna do tonight.....


Active Member
dude do you got the volcano bong or vap.... cuz i want the bong sooooooooooooooo badlyyyyyyyyyyy it freakn krazy man

Top 44

Well-Known Member
My days of wild all night parties on NYE are long behind me. I like to stay in on New Years.... Tonight I'm going to have a fire in the fireplace, a couple cocktails and lots of bong hits. If I'm still awake at midnight I'll walk down to the water with my dog and watch the fireworks.
That sounds great. Its ass cold here. I was a bartender for a long time, so not a big fan of NYE. Amateur night.


Well-Known Member
Happy New Yars!

I just got back from the store...I swear I thought they were giving a way something, it was just plain crazy. I watched 2 women have a cat fight over a shrimp ring! Then there was a worker standing there with a whole cart full of shrimp rings to be put out...He just let those 2 go to town and smiled the whole time. Then they tried to pull me into their BS!!!! Now, I am a lady, but....I called that woman a cunt. Then I threatened her with bodily harm. OMG, tis the season.