Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

Yup, easiest thing there is.

Let the cut end scab over for a weekend so.

Then put it in cactus mix. Maybe three or four inches down.

Water every other week. You want the soil to completely dry out between watering. When it puts out roots, water once a week, feed once or twice a year, lots of sun but harden it first or it will burn.

If you want sprites, cut the top off and root it.. but don't do it till it's established.
Nice those are decent sized.

That cake looks a little dry though, I would definitely give it a little mist and try to get some water beads on the verm.

Thank you!! I misted it like you said. I should only wet the verm and not get any water on the pins and fruit right?

Thanks again!!
I got some Jack Frost from Skeleton Crew. It colonized the jars and my shoeboxes very quickly. I spawned it to this shoe box 6 days ago. Can't wait to see the flush these put out.
Got this dehydrator realized it was crucial. Still working on that PC Canndo, still using my small one and it's been a real pain in the ass, having to PC two sets of jars and let them cool to be able to use one syringe. Hopefully I can get one this week.
Second flush from the same brf cake after 5 hour dunk.

I tried an initial dose of 1.5 g of the B+. There was magic!! Better pain relief than the prescribed crap I'm on as well.
Going to microdose at .25 g and see how I feel.

I am very happy.

mr1 - Copy.jpg
Look in to allen rockefller.

Paul Stamets, Allen Rockefeller... it is simply amazing how many expert mycologists are autodidacts. Recently did 5g of PE and visited McKinna's "silent garden".

As usual, words tend to be inadequate.

Learned to query my bodies "processes" and _completely_ understood how Stamets learned to stop stuttering.
Paul Stamets, Allen Rockefeller... it is simply amazing how many expert mycologists are autodidacts. Recently did 5g of PE and visited McKinna's "silent garden".

As usual, words tend to be inadequate.

Learned to query my bodies "processes" and _completely_ understood how Stamets learned to stop stuttering.

Wow, 5 g? Is there less of a body load than B+?
With only 1.5 g of B+ there was little visuals compared to a heavy intoxicating body buzz.

Kinda opposite of peyote and acid I've done plenty of in my past. I wouldn't want much more intoxication feeling.

I want something with more visuals and less heavy body load.