Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

They hate education because now the brown folks can get some too, the education system is also a meritocracy where smarts and motivation count most, it is a more level playing field. The same goes for the military, they are among the most socially progressive organizations in America and a disproportionate number of minorities are serving for the opportunities and services it provides. Lately the republicans have little trouble disrespecting veterans, or voting for those who do, because there are so many minority veterans these days. They have no issues with open treason either and treason is a proud family tradition among some of them.
the air force and the navy are fairly progressive, the army less so, and the marines not so much...
the air force and the navy are fairly progressive, the army less so, and the marines not so much...

Does keeping up with changing social norms really count as progress if it’s just to maintain imperial dominance? If cultural norms hadn’t changed and become accepting of queer people(who are a recruitable demographic) they wouldn’t be making the moves they are now.
the air force and the navy are fairly progressive, the army less so, and the marines not so much...
As a rule, they were way ahead of American society on social issues and it shows, especially racism and the bullshit that can divide people. You can't have people calling others names and practicing social warfare against them in the barracks.

A US marine living in barracks must register personal arms and they are stored, issued weapons are not stored in barracks either, every soldier must spend 2 weeks annually to demonstrate proficiency on his/her weapon and every marine is a rifleman. This is what the marine corps requires to be issued and use an AR15/M16, a weapon of war that can kill many with a single mag and is designed for quick reloading and rapid rates of fire, because it is a military weapon, not a hunting or target one.
Does keeping up with changing social norms really count as progress if it’s just to maintain imperial dominance? If cultural norms hadn’t changed and become accepting of queer people(who are a recruitable demographic) they wouldn’t be making the moves they are now.
What the organization does and it's posture is up to the politicians. America is not an imperialist power, any more than the UK is today. Imperialism is to be found Russia and China however, two empires of recent conquest and one who is conducting an illegal war of conquest. Western imperialism like colonialism is a historic phenomena, keep up with the times. China conquered Tibet based on an old map, the choice of the people meant nothing, like the Muslims in China, same for Ukraine, that is imperialism using hard military power. America controls only about 20% of the global economy these days, it encouraged others to arise and compete with it, it used to control most of the global economy, hardly imperialism. So stop reading yer parents old commie books and yellow newspapers from the attic, we have the internet these days, another thing the American and Brits gave to the world along with the transistor. Another thing to consider, over the past century America has feed damn near every country on earth in times of crises, including China and Russia, you could do worse.
Does keeping up with changing social norms really count as progress if it’s just to maintain imperial dominance? If cultural norms hadn’t changed and become accepting of queer people(who are a recruitable demographic) they wouldn’t be making the moves they are now.
the air force is willing to move people with lgbtq kids to bases in states that don't have repressive laws. that may not be "progressive" but it's a lot better than they would have done in the 50s or even the 90s
and are we really "maintaining imperial dominance" ? what exactly comprises the "empire" ?...would you have us ignore pleas from help from allies, because we wouldn't want to be perceived as empire builders?
of course if cultural norms hadn't changed they would not have become accepting of lgbtq people, that's true of everything that has changed, ever, in every society...but they did change, and the different branches of the armed forces have adopted those changes at different rates. the air force seems the most willing to adapt and adopt, the navy only slightly less so, while the army is far behind, and the marines behind the army. the armed forces exist, and at least some parts of it are ok with people being what they are, that's a vast improvement to the situation as little as 20 years ago
the air force is willing to move people with lgbtq kids to bases in states that don't have repressive laws. that may not be "progressive" but it's a lot better than they would have done in the 50s or even the 90s
and are we really "maintaining imperial dominance" ? what exactly comprises the "empire" ?...would you have us ignore pleas from help from allies, because we wouldn't want to be perceived as empire builders?
of course if cultural norms hadn't changed they would not have become accepting of lgbtq people, that's true of everything that has changed, ever, in every society...but they did change, and the different branches of the armed forces have adopted those changes at different rates. the air force seems the most willing to adapt and adopt, the navy only slightly less so, while the army is far behind, and the marines behind the army. the armed forces exist, and at least some parts of it are ok with people being what they are, that's a vast improvement to the situation as little as 20 years ago
The air force is more dependent on brains and specialized skills and need to retain smart people longer, so does today's navy. The marines, not so much, service terms are short the young are desired and injuries frequent, ditto for the army, except for NCOs, those you want to stick around.
Too bad he went to bed with the Russians, now his arsehole is gonna be stretched past the limit in a US prison until he dies of anal incontinency. He might get lucky selling Roger Stone down the river in a squeal deal, but he will need depends by the time he hits Oz.
Be lovely if that happened to him but nothing will touch Bush. He is so powerful and we certainly don't want him.
I thought he was in bed with the Saudis not the Russians. But oil there to I spose. Perhaps the Russians and the Saudis go hand in hand.
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I would back a candidate where my only comment was "that's a pretty good dude."

We haven't had someone like that since Nader