Well-Known Member
Do they interact with people in public a lot?My boss and coworker are not going to get the vaccine. They do very little mask wearing too. I talk to them a little, but don't harp on it.
Do they interact with people in public a lot?My boss and coworker are not going to get the vaccine. They do very little mask wearing too. I talk to them a little, but don't harp on it.
How can you be friends with anyone who wants you to suffer simply due to your difference of opinion? Herd mentality is trampling civil discussion in 2021.politics should stay out of science! this didn't have to happen..and what happens when you cave @PJ Diaz (didn't we used to be friends?)
So how will they know which teachers were vaccinated? They are the last ones standing?
"You must be polite!" pleads the retard knowingly spreading a contagious and deadly virusHow can you be friends with anyone who wants you to suffer simply due to your difference of opinion? Herd mentality is trampling civil discussion in 2021.
So if I get tested for covid twice a week, I'm somehow knowingly spreading it? Brilliant!"You must be polite!" pleads the retard knowingly spreading a contagious and deadly virus
How can you be friends with anyone who wants you to suffer simply due to your difference of opinion? Herd mentality is trampling civil discussion in 2021.
So if I get tested for covid twice a week, I'm somehow knowingly spreading it? Brilliant!
I didn't say any of that, or even mention herd immunity at all. Please read completely before answering.huh? when did i say that or even imply herd immunity is the way to go? if you mean that because my immune system is compromised because of medication i'm taking and i have to wait to get all my doctors permissions? other than some occasional trolling..? i'm allowed one happiness.
Live entertainment.ut oh..ocd on the covid? do you work medical?
YesSo if I get tested for covid twice a week, I'm somehow knowingly spreading it?
So how will they know which teachers were vaccinated? They are the last ones standing?
So is disinformation and people who believe unreasonable things unsupported by evidence. One needs to have a common set of facts for a difference of opinion on the significance of them. Different sets of facts means there's nothing to discuss other than determining the truth. Once confronted with the truth though some will argue about the source (fake news), some will deny reality and some will simply distract. Most of the time what you choose to believe is your own business as is most of your behavior, but covid is not a private matter, but a public health issue that involves the lives of others.How can you be friends with anyone who wants you to suffer simply due to your difference of opinion? Herd mentality is trampling civil discussion in 2021.
Oh yeah?huh? when did i say that or even imply herd immunity is the way to go? if you mean that because my immune system is compromised because of medication i'm taking and i have to wait to get all my doctors permissions? other than some occasional trolling..? i'm allowed one happiness.
But asprin is natural, it comes from trees.You should be crusading against aspirin, it causes far more deaths than all the approved vaccines combined.
Death angel mushrooms are natural and organic too, so are night shade berries, there is a long list...But asprin is natural, it comes from trees.
For me personally a big reason it's the fact that I have literally hundreds of long-standing medically diagnosed allergies, and have had a major allergic reaction to an injection in the past.So is disinformation and people who believe unreasonable things unsupported by evidence. One needs to have a common set of facts for a difference of opinion on the significance of them. Different sets of facts means there's nothing to discuss other than determining the truth. Once confronted with the truth though some will argue about the source (fake news), some will deny reality and some will simply distract. Most of the time what you choose to believe is your own business as is most of your behavior, but covid is not a private matter, but a public health issue that involves the lives of others.
As I said before, it's your choice to not take the vaccine and I know a couple of good men who won't, but they don't generally discourage others from taking something that will save their lives. I encourage people to get vaccinated because I'm following the advice and counsel of medical experts and from my own personal knowledge, it makes sense and I believe it to be good and true.
Whose advice are you following and what evidence base do you reference? What would be the result of success?
I know you post stories about vaccine issues and that's ok by me, people have a right to know stuff, from reliable sources. I haven't seen anything though that warrants someone not taking the vaccine in light of the risks to one's self and others. I just watched an ad on TV about some prescription medication, may cause blood clots and death was mentioned in the ad by the announcer, it's also on the label and product monogram. Risks of taking the vaccine are orders of magnitude less than taking aspirin. You should be crusading against aspirin, it causes far more deaths than all the approved vaccines combined.
Then follow your doctor's advice and if required give him/her yer EpiPen and get jabbed in the office or at a clinic. If you choose to under go the ordeal, pick an mRNA vaccine that is likely to have few side effects or allergens. Soon your doctor will be able to give you a fractional "test shot" rather than a full one, to see if there are any adverse reactions. No harm in asking. If you end up in the hospital with covid, they will be pumping all kinds of shit into you.For me personally a big reason it's the fact that I have literally hundreds of long-standing medically diagnosed allergies, and have had a major allergic reaction to an injection in the past.
I also don't take aspirin fyi.
I had no reaction and no sore arm, some say round two is the kicker though, but not until August for me. Wish I could have a sore arm earlier, but others need a shot at life too, 80% protection will do just fine for now. One concern is asymptomatic spread in the country though, 80% might not stop it as effectively as 95%, but 80% keeps ya out of the hospital and morgue.I had more of a reaction from a Flu shot.
Are you one of those people who have to make everyone feel like dicks too when they ask about their mom and they get to tell everyone they died.For me personally a big reason it's the fact that I have literally hundreds of long-standing medically diagnosed allergies, and have had a major allergic reaction to an injection in the past.
I also don't take aspirin fyi.