Biden will give up by Monday, 11/30/2020


Well-Known Member
Good, there's enough shit going on without him adding to it.
Fucking idiot could have learned to grow possibly, so now he won't.
Fuck him & tough shit.
Just remembered I stopped into the government dope store and picked up 3 grams of their strongest 24%, local grown Highland Kush, just for comparison, The white widow clones are growing like crazy, good genetics, they claim they are in the 30% range, depending on conditions I suppose. Yer growing THC for the most part, might as well cut the CBD and to the chase. I found periodic abstinence to be useful for resetting the clock though, in the case of pot, absence does make the heart grow fonder and the brain go higher too!


Well-Known Member
I gotta sneak across now.
I miss Toronto, it was a cool town (easy to smoke/buy herb on the street)
Easier than ever now, federal legalization has created an interesting situation and grey areas in the law. No one seems concerned about pot, except for a news story about big grow ops in houses using medical licenses.

People are marketing pot and clones online, to avoid local liquor inspectors etc, payment by email money transfer from your bank account. Excellent service for the clones and online dispensaries, email order confirmation Xpress post etc, the last thing they want is trouble over mail fraud. I ordered 1 clone and he sent two because I had to wait a week for his shipping containers to arrive (covid).


Well-Known Member
I suppose. Yer growing THC for the most part, might as well cut the CBD and to the chase
Fuck cannabinoids, I wanna get fucking STONED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't need no stinking pain relief (not yet at least) I just want to get high as fuck as rapidly as possible, so give me THC, any day of the week.
Chant with me now
Feels good, right?


Well-Known Member
Just remembered I stopped into the government dope store and picked up 3 grams of their strongest 24%, local grown Highland Kush, just for comparison, The white widow clones are growing like crazy, good genetics, they claim they are in the 30% range, depending on conditions I suppose. Yer growing THC for the most part, might as well cut the CBD and to the chase. I found periodic abstinence to be useful for resetting the clock though, in the case of pot, absence does make the heart grow fonder and the brain go higher too!
So how long is abstinence? I might have to do this.


Well-Known Member
So how long is abstinence? I might have to do this.
Even a few days, it depends on how much ya smoke, some folks require a month, it has to do with the enzymes that break down THC, and the production of your own endocannabinoid analog to CBD, ya get good at making them and after a bit they go away, "like magic", but yer better at remembering how to make them than a novice.

Cleaning yerself out also helps you to remember you still have a working memory and can get off yer arse for more than having to put it down again to have a shit.


Well-Known Member
So how long is abstinence? I might have to do this.
Well, thats a good question.
The Catholics abstained from eating meat on Fridays for a thousand fucking years (now they don't give a fuck)
The Jews still won't eat pork
The Hindus won't eat beef
What the fuck, a diet becomes political/religious?
Abstinence is forever, no way back or half measures.
Your either in or your out in my opinion
I've chosen the Dark path it seems (considered by some) that trail that led/leads me to this day on a path trying to understanding this World of Shit (my own opinion), with the aid of drugs/alcohol.
Yea, I made a decent amount of money at one point in my existence & I'm cool economically, but I feel so fucking afraid off the way this country is headed
Like I've said before, I'm too political/concerned & now I exist in a fucking Hellscape.
God damn it, for at least one fucking year in my life, could this Nation be at peace?
Yea right :) :) :)
Time for a glass & a bowl.
Peace out/stay safe
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Well-Known Member
Just remembered I stopped into the government dope store and picked up 3 grams of their strongest 24%, local grown Highland Kush, just for comparison, The white widow clones are growing like crazy, good genetics, they claim they are in the 30% range, depending on conditions I suppose. Yer growing THC for the most part, might as well cut the CBD and to the chase. I found periodic abstinence to be useful for resetting the clock though, in the case of pot, absence does make the heart grow fonder and the brain go higher too!
I do that every day when I sleep.


Well-Known Member
Fuck cannabinoids, I wanna get fucking STONED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't need no stinking pain relief (not yet at least) I just want to get high as fuck as rapidly as possible, so give me THC, any day of the week.
Chant with me now
Feels good, right?
I’m not far from Toronto James, so if you come this way make sure to look me up. I’ll hook ya up with some tasty nugs, way better than the dispensary.

Just curing some Gelato harvested a couple of weeks ago. Almost knocked me on my ass and I’m a chronic.


Well-Known Member
I'm doing fine. No evidence in Trump's claims means, well, just that. As the judge said in the hearing regarding Trump's demand that all the votes in Chicago should be thrown out: In short, the motion is based upon speculation and conjecture. Absent any evidence of an improper practice, the Court cannot identify if this alleged violation occurred

So, yeah, kind of like, no problem, get over it dudes and dudettes.

This is not to say that Trump's deranged crowd aren't upset.

A “stop the steal” rally is being held in Salem at the Oregon State Capitol to protest the results of the election today

Really, Amy Comey Barret isn't going to steal this election for Trump on Trump's say so. There has to be evidence in order to try a case. Also, the guy in Proud Boy regalia and armor sprayed a skinny young woman who was ten feet away for no good reason? Man, you guys need to calm down. But then again, these are Fox News five stages of grief for right wing radicals:

1) Rage
2) Rage
3) Rage
4) Rage
5) Rage

In other words, they will never get over it. High blood pressure, heart and brain function reduced, drug addiction, spousal abuse are all connected to that kind of outcome. But like a bad relationship, I'm over you and your kind. I've moved on, babe. You do you, but do it without me.

So, what's there for me to worry about? Raspberries to you, as in,

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I miss Alfred E. Newman
Edit: another victim of digital, anti-print media.
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