Cannabis plants size difference


Why are the plants in the middle looking much better than the others ? They are in smaller containers and soil is mixed with seedling mix , whereas the outer plants are in big containers and soil is mixed with potting mix. Same nutrients, light, air, environment. The two very small seedlings are new.



I have no idea what it is, just making observations

What is the soil?
A brand called Culterra. They have a potting mix as well as seedling mix. The big pots has maybe 70% potting mix rest normal soil from garden. The small containers is a 50/50 mix of garden soil and seedling mix.


Well-Known Member
Why are the plants in the middle looking much better than the others ? They are in smaller containers and soil is mixed with seedling mix , whereas the outer plants are in big containers and soil is mixed with potting mix. Same nutrients, light, air, environment. The two very small seedlings are new.
With appropriate pot size you get higher rate of evaporation and transpiration. You get tighter cycles of going from wet to dry, somewhere in the middle you got optimal nutrient/water uptake.


With appropriate pot size you get higher rate of transpiration. You get tighter cycles of going from wet to dry, somewhere in the middle you got optimal nutrient/water uptake.
Informative! Just not too sure what is meant by 'tighter cycles'?