Recommendations for bud trimmer.

What I like about the GreenBroz is there’s only 1 moving part... the blade. It’s just a box, a base plate, a blade, motor, and a switch. No belts, pulleys, guides, delicate parts, Etc. Its whisper quiet, can’t hardly hear it running. No suction, and all your trim falls neatly into a pan that slides out from the base. Blade never needs sharpening, and you can clean it in about 6 minutes. It does about 70-80% of the work, the rest is up to you to hand finish and remove crows feet, very tight sugar leaf, etc. Claims for 3-4 lbs an hour are bullshit though unless you get your buds down to 6% moisture content. I prefer around 10%. It takes 30 minutes a load to do. So really about a .lb an hour. Blade speed is very gentle at 20 RPM’s.

2 questions:
What is the thickness of the steel?
Are the edges extra sharpened like a knife? Or are slots simply 'lasered' into the plate?
2 questions:
What is the thickness of the steel?
Are the edges extra sharpened like a knife? Or are slots simply 'lasered' into the plate?
The base plate is about 1/4 inch. The top blade that moves is about 1/16th of an inch. The slots are laser cut, no need for sharpening. The slots are pretty sharp tho. As long as you clean it with a good sharp razor blade, it will stay in good shape. I use a new blade every time I clean it. Here’s a pic of the blades. This was a defective unit I had to send back. Nothing wrong with it operationally, but the body was slightly warped. And for $5700, I wanted it perfect.


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Been looking into a trim-daddy. A user on here I've spoken to has one and likes it a lot. Another should be getting theirs in any day now.

Trimming sucks. Better to spend time with the family if you can find a reliable machine.

I've used the shake trim bags, and bowls before. They suck, do not waste your money on any of those.
This. Trim Daddy is amazing.
Idk exactly, but you can see the power cord laying next to the blades for comparison.
I saw a video of the Ultra Trimmer. Same principal, but instead of 2 turning blades, it are 2 horizontal surfaces.
The slots on the Ultra are wider. As wide as a pinky. And in the video you see the owner has a fingertip missing. 1+1=....

But the slots of the Greenbroz seem more like 7 or 8 mm. Seems safer to me.
I saw a video of the Ultra Trimmer. Same principal, but instead of 2 turning blades, it are 2 horizontal surfaces.
The slots on the Ultra are wider. As wide as a pinky. And in the video you see the owner has a fingertip missing. 1+1=....

But the slots of the Greenbroz seem more like 7 or 8 mm. Seems safer to me.
Definitely!.. I have latex gloved hands in there a lot kinda shifting the materiel around. There’s no way you could get cut. It might take the tip of the glove if you pressed hard enough I suppose. ... love the fact that it’s so quiet. Hard to tell if it’s running if you’re a few feet away from it. I had a T4 one time, and I had to wear ear plugs when that thing was running.
Definitely!.. I have latex gloved hands in there a lot kinda shifting the materiel around. There’s no way you could get cut. It might take the tip of the glove if you pressed hard enough I suppose. ... love the fact that it’s so quiet. Hard to tell if it’s running if you’re a few feet away from it. I had a T4 one time, and I had to wear ear plugs when that thing was running.
Next time when you are using the Greenbroz trimmer, would you be so kind to do some measurement for me?
For sure you do have a device like this:


Hope your recovery from Covid-19 goes better and better!
Next time when you are using the Greenbroz trimmer, would you be so kind to do some measurement for me?
For sure you do have a device like this:

View attachment 4712542

Hope your recovery from Covid-19 goes better and better!
I do have a digital caliper... I'll get that for you later today if I have time bro! .. and thanks!... it's a weird virus for sure! Seems like it lasts forever, but getting better every day!
Haha.. you’re welcome my friend.
If you do have that digital caliper still around.... and you have some spare time.... could you measure also the thickness of the base plate?
Just if you have time.
And if you are not too tired. Both my father and mother in law had Corona. Even weeks later they are still tired.
If you do have that digital caliper still around.... and you have some spare time.... could you measure also the thickness of the base plate?
Just if you have time.
And if you are not too tired. Both my father and mother in law had Corona. Even weeks later they are still tired.
I’m good now man!.. however, it’s almost impossible to get the tool in a position to accurately measure the baseplate, as it is fixed to the frame of the unit. But, I’d guess it’s about 4mm thick.
Someone offering to sell me a t4 twister with 130 hours for $1100.... I assume I just need to change the bearings..This a wise purchase?

I dont harvest enough to justify the machine but the deal seems to good to pass up
Someone offering to sell me a t4 twister with 130 hours for $1100.... I assume I just need to change the bearings..This a wise purchase?

I dont harvest enough to justify the machine but the deal seems to good to pass up
You always get what you pay for... there could be more problems that you care to take on. Besides, the T4 is a bud grinder. If you really don't process that much bud, you'd be better off paying your buddies to come hand trim your crop. I owned one for 1 crop, then sold it. Turned all my bud into gemstones, and made a hell of a mess with all the kief flying everywhere, even with the micro bag attatched. ...... and they are loud as hell.
You always get what you pay for... there could be more problems that you care to take on. Besides, the T4 is a bud grinder. If you really don't process that much bud, you'd be better off paying your buddies to come hand trim your crop. I owned one for 1 crop, then sold it. Turned all my bud into gemstones, and made a hell of a mess with all the kief flying everywhere, even with the micro bag attatched. ...... and they are loud as hell.

2 of the biggest cons i find.

Makes a huge mess in the area.

Super loud. Im in trades and god damn. Its like a chainsaw